Friday, August 24, 2012

Warning signs he / she can not be that

All of us have looked back on past relationships and said, "What was I thinking." The problem is that you were not thinking. You have been involved in the chemistry and wonderful sensations of the moment that you chose to overlook some warning signs that there may be problems ahead. Here is a list of things to look out for when dating:

CELL PHONE USE: There is a new disease in the city. It's called "phoneitis cell." People with this can not be disconnected from their cell phones. They will accept a call 24 / 7. Being out with someone like this can be annoying. It 's almost as if you're not even there. If you start with someone and discover that they have this disease, you can indicate your displeasure - One time only. If they persist, forget them. It 'a rude and disrespectful behavior on their part and we do not tolerate that now that we do?

Driving behavior: If you want to know what is really like someone, a passenger in the car with them. To cite an online school traffic: the stronger the self-image that drivers have, will be less threatened by what happens around them. The identification with one's vehicle is a symptom of a weak ego. Insecure people think everything that happens on the road is a direct threat to them personally. Someone interrupts them, and must react, "Who people think of me to cut out?" The irrational thoughts of insecure people can keep them constantly upset. Damn, this sounds like the kind of person I'd like to date. No!

ME! ME! ME! : I once met a guy who had a track mind. That is, all that was in his mind was himself. He went on and on all his accomplishments. I thought it was finally turning around when he said, enough about me, tell me about you. Before I could get a word out, it was back to his favorite subject! Yup, himself! That total deviation. I think the boys are guilty of this than girls. Sorry. Guys I know that some women will be impressed by what they did, they know, etc. They go on thinking you're getting somewhere (closer to the bedroom?). women are not smart for that. We want to engage in a conversation. If we see a man play, go to the theater!

BOO-HOO-HOO: Do not you just love going out with someone who always complains? Ah yes, the joys of seeing the glass half empty. There is always someone or something wrong that has hurt them. Arrival at their mercy with cheese party for their complaint if you intend to stay. If not, RUN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

She's a Psycho / It 's a Jerk: If you believe in the law of attraction (attract / are attracted to what we are), and the person who starts today says that their ex was a psychopath or a jerk, what they do them? You guessed it. It means that you're a psychopath or a jerk? Only if you choose to stay. Just remember, one day will be the psycho jerk or someone else will complain.

Caller Name: I'm surprised at how many people take all this. What is one of the main reasons for being in a relationship? Because your life has increased because of that person to be in it. Does being called a bitch or a loser make life better? I can understand someone saying that you were a bitch or you act bitchy, but the next time someone says "Bitch!" For you, you're only response should be: "You're right. I am a bitch. I am a child in full control of herself" as you walk out the door forever.

ORAL SEX: In all my years of meetings, I just came across a guy who did not want to do oral. In general, girls may have more of a problem with it than boys. In both cases, it is not a good sign, especially if it is important to you. I have a girlfriend whose husband refuses to do so. The poor girl has been relegated to only dream when you sleep. Since that oral sex is an acceptable part of sex in the 21st century, if someone is not willing to participate, of course, have problems. Whether you stick around to see if they are willing to work on those dependent on you, but just keep in mind that this is always a red flag.

Hanging Up: We all hung up on someone or someone had hung over us. However, at some point, you grow up and realize that we can not just go around hanging up on people when we are upset or frustrated with them. The proper way to deal with this situation is to say something like: "I do not want to talk to you now. I'm going to hang up. Bye." If you're finally at this point and someone crashes on you, you might think two times before dating them. There are bound to be published in other maturity involved. However, if you are still hung up on people and someone crashes on you, then stay together. Those of us who have grown up, you need not bother us back on the scene.

Soap opera: this is mostly for boys. Soap operas are the television equivalent of Harlequin romances and as Secret deodorant, they can be "strong enough for a man, but made for a woman." I just do not think the boys have any business watching soap operas (sorry CBS, NBC and ABC) unless you are actually on the show and want to control their "performance".

I LOVE YOU: Anyone professing their "love" within a few weeks or months of meeting was insincere and immature. You have to know someone before you can truly love them. Yet, people are throwing this phrase around to the right and left and before you know, the relationship is over. It 'better to err on the side of caution and take too long to tell you to hurry. Of course there is no need to tell you that scream out for the first time during a moment of "passion" does not count.

There are two things that separate me from almost everyone reading this: the awareness and attitude. I am aware of red flags and the attitude that I do not want to stay once you see them. Now that your awareness has been raised, what will be YOUR attitude?

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Do not ignore signs: How emotional infidelity can ruin your relationship

Emotional infidelity can start with a simple hello or a nod. It begins in a meeting room or a chat.
One husband says: "What is the problem? We're just friends."

The other spouse can not believe the reassurances. So the jealousy builds and a wedge is driven between partners. Sometimes nothing really is happening, and sometimes a deal is in progress. It 's just a matter of time.

So how can you tell if your spouse is a potential cheater? How can you stop a relationship to become romantic out of your marriage? Here are five topics to think about before you determine if your marriage is in the danger zone.

1. Privacy: Do you feel as though your partner may tell you more about her new friend? Or hide the details of your platonic relationship from your spouse? If so, why? It 'best not to keep secrets from your partner, or even if you think she'll be hurt, angry or jealous. If you want a successful relationship, trust and honesty is the main factor for the wedding that should not be compromised.

2. Displaced Trust is information that should be shared between husband and wife shared outside the relationship? Topics such as sexual intimacy, irreconcilable differences, personal finances, and detailed accounts of your partner's weaknesses are best left to the constructs of marriage.

3. Comparison: Your spouse will liken it to a friend (s) of the opposite sex often? Or do you feel as if your spouse could improve in areas that excels your special friend? Comparison of once or twice can not be a problem, but the comparison is usually a warning sign.

4. Time Management: What time do you spend together as a married couple? E 'particular duty, such as paying bills or going to conferences for children? Or actually given - one-to-one, no, young family or friends around? If not, and you find yourself or your partner, working on such activities outside of your relationship, you stop it. Or invite your spouse or do not do it anymore. Coffee Talk can turn to pillow talk in the blink of an eye.

5. Attraction: Do you feel as if your spouse like the way his special friend is doing? If you are attracted to the way your friend looks or the way he / she does something? If so, address this issue with your partner and then try to refocus your attention on each other, rather than the party outside.

If three to five of these issues must be addressed in your marriage, do not wait until it's too late. I urge you to get professional help either from your religious leader or a professional adviser.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

How To Catch A Cheating Lover

Relations. Virtually all of us are in one, or at some stage, have been.

In the early days things are great. The birds are singing, the sun seems brighter than ever before, the stars twinkle brighter than before ... is smiles all round.

A great feeling.

But with the passage of time, often relationships can struggle, people grow apart, change of interest ...

Individuals, couples, partners can move away from each other - not necessarily the fault of people. In reality, the blame lies with both sides often, but not accept it, and perhaps secretly or subconsciously blame the other person.

When life starts to drag, the excitement seems to have been discharged, a routine can be tedious and even annoying, it's incredibly easy to be 'stuck in a rut', or languish in the 'comfort zone'.

Spontaneity becomes just a word that appears only in a crossword puzzle, rather than a spark to rekindle a relationship.

The sizzle turns into a simmer, then a shudder.

Perhaps the pressure of work, bills and mortgages, or perhaps babies, children, schools, colleges, universities, examinations, traffic jams, age creeping on you, peer pressure, jealousy .... the grass greener ...

The fact is that it is common for not being able to put my finger on any single event or cause, which causes the failure of a relationship. E 'is often a continuous chain of events, often when a person is completely unaware of the problems that spiral in the most serious problems.

E 'at this point, when the issues become a big threat.

Perhaps one of the 'parts' is not aware of their actions, they can only stumble into or onto, someone else.

BANG. - Sparks fly - that long lost feeling resurfaces, chills down the back of the neck, the excitement, pleasurable attention which has been hurt for so long at home.

Before you know - are out to start a hidden, secret affair behind his back.

In the early days of a report, the guilt is very high, but over time, this dissipates gradually to the point where simply do not give a damn about you anymore.

Do not get me wrong, they will still pretend everything is OK - I love you still, of course, but slowly make small, small changes one at a time, you probably do not realize, or maybe you do, but well-prepared answers and excuses seem to work on you.

All the time, you forget ... Or are you?

nagging doubts ??... Questioning actions ??... something wrong ??... Changes in routine ??... It seems strange ??... Hidden whispers ??...

The worst comes when you face the other person, only to be told "... you're stupid ...", or" ... of course I still love ... "or" ... if you loved me , trust me ... "

This would then leave you feeling worse, self-doubt and uncertainty.

You are now in a dilemma ... a dilemma ... A vicious cycle of doubt, that starts with you being unsure, but afraid to question as this could lead to problems - or even drive the other person away from you.

This alone could drive you crazy.

You start to look the other person differently, and their friends. Which of them know each other? Who is involved? About the affair with? And 'someone you know? And 'one of your friends?

There is, or there's something sleazy going on? You've been stabbed in the back? Are your friends betray you? Who can trust or talk?

It 's a nightmare.

At this point, the wrong move could completely ruin your relationship, especially if there really is not any seedy affair going on, and your partner is faithful ... Maybe it's just your imagination, perhaps you have been paranoid ... but maybe not.

Can you see the paradox?

There is no immediate solution, no magic pill ... It 's all a question of how to deal with the situation ... if the situation is all in your head ... or something more.

The key is to prevent this from happening in the first place ... But sometimes this is easier said than done.

To avoid following a plan. One that you would be surprised how many people ignore.

1. Communicate. Communicate. Communicate.

2. Never take your partner for granted.

3. Communicate. Communicate. Communicate.

4. Be spontaneous - occasionally and randomly. Do not try to do it regularly, that simply is not spontaneous, right?
5. Communicate. Communicate. Communicate.

6. Take a step back and then ... Take a good look ... Making the point ... Count your blessings.

7. Communicate. Communicate. Communicate.

Have you seen a development framework?

Communicating does not mean talk to them ... it is to speak with them ... Listening to them ... Listen to what they say ... Understanding ... Compromising.

And if he's past that stage - be very careful how you deal with issues.

Sometimes it might be better to ignore things, put out of my head - sometimes you just have to know the truth before all the guide you're crazy.

© 2005 Gary Durkin