Thursday, May 31, 2012

Need an album diary Idea?

Need an album diary Idea?

Try using song lyrics in the layout later.

Lyrics can be a great source of inspiration and title of the page for a scraper.

The music and the songs have an important role in our lives. Hearing a song again can evoke a lot of emotions, bringing back memories of special times, special people and places.

Of course, different songs mean different things to different people - but you can use the songs to tap into''those memories to create unique and highly personal scrapbook pages.

How to use text on your pages?

Well, here's an album diary idea for you to try using a wedding layout, an example.

If the spouses have their own song 'special' then that is used to add a personal touch. If not do not worry find another suitable song instead, there are a lot of websites on the Internet singing that you can navigate.

Choose a section from the song choice, for example, the first verse of "A Groovy Kind of Love" by Phil Collins and revised texts around the edges of the page.

Then decorate the border with some appropriate wedding stickers, die-cuts or punches. Tie everything together neatly, using the title of the song chosen as the accent title for the layout.

What about a friendship page? You can use some of the lyrics of "You've Got a Friend" by Carole King, maybe decorate the edge with musical notes.

Making a page on someone's birthday? You could journal the words from "Happy Birthday" and embellish the border with cakes, birthday candles and other memorabilia.

Not just one section of a track, use all if you want.

Write or print the complete lyrics on some pretty paper and add it to your page. If you have no room left on the page of your album an envelope pocket to put the song sheet.

You can apply this scrapbook journaling idea to any kind of theme for the page, not just the ones listed here as examples.

There were tens of thousands of songs published over the years covering all types of stakeholders - the opportunities for the scraper are endless resources.

Just make sure that the song title or lyric you are going to use is suitable for the theme of your layout and will soon add a quick, simple and memorable piece of journaling to your page.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

A story too crazy college friend Makeup

My worst roommate (and I had some bad), it was my semester at Tel-Aviv University. It 'started the group flight there, with this obnoxious surfer looking guy who sat next to me (I was on an aisle, was at the center). On the flight of ten hours, I had put something or take something out of the overhead for him at least fifteen or twenty times. Only it would not let me alone and I was constantly asked to change seats with him, and grab a pen, and put this card in her purse ... When we arrived at the dorms and had our orientation meeting, it was discovered that I was flat as HIM, but thanks to God in the same room (each apt has 2 bedrooms with a shared kitchen and bathroom).

This guy was unreal. It 'been a bleach-blond surfer, rowed crew, was well over 6' and very muscular (I'm 5'7 "and thin), and only a complete idiot. He always ate the food belonging to the rest of us, claiming that he had no money, no matter packages $ 100 Full of shit who refer to his girlfriend at CA. After two weeks of constantly disrespecting her other three of us, things got a little 'tense . The first turning point was when he used a box full of razors to shave my roommate of his head, and from then on he seemed to be in touch always decreasing with reality.

About a month into their stay, decided to adopt a stray dog found near the beach while surfing. Of course this could not happen, because it can not have dogs in dorms, and the rest of us were not too keen to have a stray dog around. Jason, the psycho is completely lost when he was told he could not keep the dog (if he goes, I go because it is the only one who understands me "). Did well in the face and threatened to kill me if I shot (remember our size and strength difference ...), because I was the only one who was at home when he was in office with this poor mutt. Later that day, after security guards and the "People told him that the dog had to go, took off and has not been heard from a couple of days.

A few days later, showed up and was hung in a room down the hall, when someone called security, as we had been instructed to do in case of return. From what they told me the accident, went to the balcony (4th floor) and threatened to jump when the police arrived on the scene. After a tense confrontation, the office and managed to subdue him after he punched at least one official. It 'was then taken - literally kicking and screaming - off University property and was taken into custody. He spent about a month or so in a mental facility in Israel before he was deported to America.

When my roommate came home, she discovered that Jason had left us a message. Using a razor, he opened his finger cut and painted a message in our own blood on the bathroom mirror ("you all lied to me, blah, blah, blah"), then tied the bloody razor of a rose and left on the kitchen table.

Now that is a roommate from hell.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The Valentine's Day, Or any romantic interlude, Woo your sweetheart with chocolates, roses ... And leadership Talk

A Valentine's Day or any romantic interlude, lovers should woo their sweethearts with chocolates and roses - but also a discourse of leadership.

My experience in teaching Leadership Talk to thousands of leaders worldwide during the last 21 years confirms that the conversation is a boon for leaders of all ranks and functions in their work and careers.

But I also learned, to my surprise, many managers are using the Leadership Talk effectively outside their work in their personal relationships.

Giving Leadership Talks helps leaders get more results in organizations. Leaders see as effective as motivational talks Leadership means of speeches and presentations.

Speeches and presentations to communicate information. But the talks have settled Leadership a deep, human emotional connection with the public.

That human connection is important to get great results in your work, but it is also important to achieve great results in their personal lives - even your love life.

If you want to win the affection or support of a loved one, a discourse of leadership can only make it happen.

Blending leadership and love may seem to mixing apples and oranges. But great leadership and love share common elements. For one thing, when you are wooing your lover, you can take the initiative. For another, using a Leadership Talk, you are promoting a genuine and deep relationship - as great leadership often does.

Here are a few pointers to give a speech on leadership that can implement this Valentine's Day or any other interval for love. Before speaking, simply ask three questions: Do you know the needs of your lover? You can bring conviction to the relationship? And you can have your lover do? If you say 'no' to one of those questions, you can not make a speech of leadership.

The questions apply to lovers as well. To promote a deep human emotional relationship, you must know what needs your sweetheart, the conviction will bring profound relationship, and finally, the action you want to take the treasure.

However, applications are not meant to be stumbling blocks to your leadership but stepping stones Talk. If you answer 'no', step back and assess the situation. Think through what you might say in order to 'yes' to every question. Then talk. Give a Leadership Talk. And by the way, do not forget the chocolates and roses.

2005 © The Filson Leadership Group, Inc. All rights reserved.

Monday, May 28, 2012

If you're someone who is emotionally very sensitive, this sensitivity can be an asset to form relationships. Use your sensitivity to show empathy for others. Do not suppress emotions, trying to be cool. Do not waste your sensitive nature, particularly sensitive only to yourself and your emotions. Imagine being in the shoes of the person you're talking to, and let them feel the sadness, happiness, excitement or pride that is present in the story you're telling.

If we repress all our emotions to show our face, people will feel frustrated trying to get a sense of who we really are. When we let our emotions appear on our face, sharing our joys and sorrows interlocutor, anxieties and frustrations, as well as their hope and excitement, both for us to feel less alone. Both people will feel more connected to each other.

Sometimes we worry about our facial expressions. We sense that our smile looks forced, or makes us look nervous. They may fear that we do not smile enough, or that we frown too much.

One way you can control the facial expressions is to have yourself videotaped in conversation with another person. When you examine the tape, your smile is not forced or natural? You look very serious? You are able to portray a sense of fun and carefree?

If you are unable to effectively analyze the tape alone, someone you trust to give some feedback.

If you think your facial expression, could be improved, you can practice in front of a mirror. Watch your face as you imagine yourself feeling various positive and negative emotions. Imagine hearing a very funny joke. Or win the lottery. Or receiving a compliment. The next meeting. As a gift. Having a secret.

Also imagine experiencing negative situations and watch your facial expressions in the mirror. Exaggerate them. Return to imagine the positive emotions. Are you normally this expressive? Do not let other people see the real you? Or you try to hide from everyone? Do you like the person you see in the mirror?

Your smiles and other facial expressions will be more natural and more attractive when they are relaxed rather than tense. If you get nervous when talking with others, you may want to practice body relaxation techniques until you can easily relax at will. Consciously tell all the muscles in your body to relax, even if you have to give instructions to mentally all over the body, one section at a time. When you're with other people, let your mental focus will be to enjoy the situation you are in, rather than imagining what others think of you, or worrying what you mean.

Let emotions come from deep inside you and spread your face, rather than trying to artificially produce facial expressions.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Love vs. Insanity

What is madness?

I undertook to try to find a dictionary in my drawer. Unfortunately, there was none. I could not define insanity for you then. Oh no, I can, but I can lead by example. I know that there is no dictionary in my drawer, but I still expect to find one. This is an example of folly in its simplest form.

Love and madness

Within a few months of my being hooked-up a room with certain text, one of many things I learned is the parallelism of love and madness. I came to realize that these two words are a little 'synonymous. This manifests itself in countless stories of experiences documented by different individuals there in that site. Love life a soap opera with a plot there, complete with a cast of supporting players to the usual protagonists and antagonists - peers, parents or classmates to name a few. What do I see? I see madness in a full day. Love life recycled from one generation to the next. Insanity inherited by another group of people in the same environment at a different time. That is crazy considering I find our way of life is really a giant leap in what we call the future and yet the same old pain, trouble or problems haunt the people's love lives.

Define Love. Love is this. Love is this. The love is here. Love is there. There is no single definition of love. Worse is, a definition of conflict with each other. No, the conflict is a euphemism, in contradiction would have been better. In track, a "1" is never a "0" and vice versa. Treating one as the other is folly. Love bring happiness or pain, or sometimes both, is madness. Madness define love? Or is love madness in a negative form?

Let's go back to my earlier example. This is an analogy that demonstrates folly. Now we love. We know that our love comes to anything, but you take the risk of gambling with love. The result is that we get hurt. This is madness. To anticipate the dark but still taking the courage to step into the darkness. The result is a disaster. In real life, is like knowing that he is married, but what the heck! And this is love. Or, you can feel she cares about someone, but still convinces you that she loves you, because his love. And yet, that is love. And what about this shit last? When you love someone who gave you the chance to hurt someone. It is not madness, or at most just masochism?

I have to say right then when I say that those who love are crazy? Would you still love?

I assume that our answer to both questions is a unanimous "Yes!" With a capital Y and an exclamation point with a closed fist choreography and authoritative expression of the face to emphasize our conviction without knowing that we already despise the word "logic". And again, that clearly madness.

We used to say the words "love" to mean "being in love." It is not "fall" connotes a negative meaning? It is not madness, then, that we let fall "in love? But wait, others say," high with love, "indicating addicted to love. Just the same, and the dependence is even worse. To get our self" high "with love is once again an act of madness. To fall is to fall into contradiction with the word high. With these two contradicting results associated with love, love the setting in front of a mirror well polished, love vividly reflects the madness.

But despite this shocking analogy, I would still say, "If love is to be mad, please, take all my sanity away." E 'with pride that I message to the world, "Call me insane because I'm in love!"