Saturday, February 11, 2012


This I learned from an afternoon I spent listening to music composed for me the rain. It 'been a bit' I really stopped and listened to all the other sounds around me. The rain, a little 'angry roof has taught me a lesson. Play.

Lately, I've never done anything to complain about many things. Put the blame on something when things go wrong just hide under the safety net. I never realized that I'm part of that. I tried to close his eyes from the cruelty of the world, without realizing that I was responsible for a heart pain.

I am a terrible woman. I have removed the only person who saw the goodness in me. The only person who reminded me of the rhythms and rhymes that I have long forgotten. He gave me back my melodies. Brought me back to the sweet smell of home in the middle of this crowd unknown. Even with the little strength he had left at the end of the day, I was cradled in her arms the way a baby gate at dawn.

Perhaps you might think that I went crazy for him away. I could not `t blame you. How could I turn my back on someone so wonderful, so funny, so spontaneous? As I said, I went crazy. Lost control. I was angry with the world. Drained from all the pressure at work. These may be perfectly good enough excuse but not enough to justify what I did. The truth is ... I was so scared. So afraid to tell him that I really wanted was to go home to him as night falls. I did the opposite. Words failed me. How long does it take to heal the wound? I want to know the answer.

All I could do is listen to the sound of raindrops at this time. Hoping that his heavy rain would drown the sound of my own heartbeat. I learned to listen, but this time I do not want. Let the rain fall this time.

Friday, February 10, 2012


I gave up love, even before I could accept the thought that really exists. Maybe I thought lurking somewhere inside me so many times before, but I wiped out until it is too weak to want to always strive to fascinate me.

I'm not bitter or anything like that. I've seen people fall in love in a thousand different ways. I saw their eyes shining bright star like no other can. I heard it's serenade. Lovers float in a warm embrace. I do not condemn them to surrender a heart. I envy them. It takes great courage to let themselves fall in love.

I've always been afraid to love. Fear of want and need someone so much. I managed to convince myself that I'm better off alone. The sun still shines for me in my waking hours. I turn away love every time I find worthy. I wonder why people fall in love when after all the happy times, they know that there's no bitter end. After all shining in the eyes, a teardrop waiting to fall behind those smiles and ... a frown was developed. No, I'm ready to get hurt. Forever fairybook exists only in stories and in this world where everything is slowly getting older and romantic chooses to cling to their childhood fantasies, let the reality of building walls around me.

But this morning, I woke up trembling. The sun shone a little brighter than once. I never allowed too much light to come in my room because I know I blind. He looked through the spokes of my bedroom window as if threatening me to tell my deepest desire ... A secret that I myself was not aware. I'm scared. Could it be that I turned out to be someone ... or worse, something different during sleep? I looked in the mirror and saw someone else's reflection. It was a face I saw in my life. How could I forget those lines, those curves? But no, I have not seen that kind of smile before.I woke up in a world completely different from what I've grown comfortable. I wanted to dream ....

But I was not. Someone broke the walls around me and rearranged my life. Are now seeing the world through the eyes of someone else. Every little thing matters. Every little thing is a promise whispering something unknown and, somewhere inside of me reassures my soul shock that is going to be wonderful. I screamed from the top of my lungs hoping that my voice trembling would somehow stifle the sound of my own heartbeat. But it is more powerful. Something that I can not escape. I close my eyes and a face appears. I hear a voice. Feel the power of a hug that weakens me. I went crazy and lost control. I fell in love.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

The Silence of the Lambs

He stands back, avoiding eye contact or company to talk about. His heart beats rapidly, and he is aware of perspiration, and butterflies in the stomach. If at times these symptoms in social situations or business you have lots of company.

Now imagine, vividly, a new book in hand that answers these questions.

Social psychologists reveal "too timid" is a growing social epidemic. Indeed, it is now the third most common psychiatric disorder.

shy people obviously find it difficult to meet people, build relationships, and participate in life. They are often lonely and frustrated.

shy people have more health problems because they tend to have a weak network of friends. They are less likely to give doctors enough information to treat properly.

They are less likely to make money to live their potential at work, or to feel appreciated for their contribution.

Metaphorically, shyness is a shrinking back from life, which weakens the bonds of human connection.

Emeritus Professor Thomas Harrell of Stanford University, examined the MBA in a period of 20 years to raise their success factor and found that "The number one factor linked with success was 'Social extraversion', the ability to speak .

Now, imagine a new book in hand turning "lamb" in "Lions" teach you all the right moves and when to do it in order to treat the true source of excessive shyness ... to make the curse of "The Dialog Dilemma" a thing of the past ... in short, to transform into extroverted and introverted losers leading ...

To activate the silence of the lamb in the lion's roar ... You can do it!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Your condensed guide to work A Room

Working a room ... if only it could be fun ... or at least guaranteed production. I refer to this case required that requires us to mix and stir, to meet and greet.

Command performance events like a cocktail, a business dinner or a charity event can feel stiff and uncomfortable. Very few people actually enjoy walking into a room full of strangers.

So why put through that torture? Well for one thing, Nathan Keyfitz, professor of sociology at Harvard observes, "social skills will be of even greater importance for economic success in the future. The most successful people are those who can communicate and connect better."

In other words, free advertising, and check the entire message. And 'sometimes awkward? Absolutely, but the upside is enormous. The more you put in network situations, it becomes easier and the higher the professional, social and personal benefits.

Here is a condensed guide for the work a room:

Approach every networking opportunity with the attitude that is going to be fun. Although no single event is guaranteed to change your life, every possible event. Remember, success is measured by percentages, not perfection. Who is not attracted to someone who smiles, laughs, and enjoy themselves!

Be prepared. Be clear about your goals. Keep focused on your goal of being there. Not be easily distracted by what you have in mind.

So do not wait for others to approach you. Yes, I know it's a bit 'uncomfortable for some, perhaps. So imagine how great it feels when someone takes the initiative to walk to you and introduces themselves. Then do the same.

Acquire and practice various good conversation opener. The best technique is the art of intelligent questions that give the impression of depth and style to your personality. Show them that would benefit from getting more time with you.

When you make an interesting contact, focus all your attention on that individual. Do not let your eyes wander about the room. Maintain eye contact and active listening. Give the person the sense that you have been waiting all night just to cope. In other words, make them feel important.

Learn the art of conversation. Call it gossip or even foreplay, if you like. Its purpose is to get people to the east. It begins with the identification of an area of common interest. This means knowing just the right questions to ask, and just the right time. Remember, talk does not teach, preach, or try to impress. It 's only light and easy conversation.

Do your homework. If you review the names of participants, their spouses or partners, their affiliations. If you can recall no previous contact, refer to that to open the conversation. Who will appreciate the fact that you remember.

Finally, common sense tells us not to be late, drink too much, the dress too casually, or push the agenda too. Do not glue yourself to a person all night, just because they are fascinating mix.

Few things happen by accident either personally or professionally. Consider the benefits going to the next command (which is what it is) fully prepared. Then see how much fun you can have when you know why you're there and can tell a story with style and humor, persuasive.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

How to read a person like a book

The human mind is an innovative hybrid that allows us to anticipate the future - to think big thoughts. This is good news.

However, a growing number of psychologists and behavioral scientists are finding evidence that our brains are wired for errors today's social environment, especially when it comes to assessing personality and predicting the behavior of people we meet.

Why are we so bad at reading the intentions of others? Built on top of the old "emotional" part of our circuit mammals, there is a "rational cerebral cortex. The two are often in conflict, and under the surface, our protective instincts are always lurking. Unfortunately the" emotional circuitry often overwhelms the "rational cortex. When we meet people who just give more weight to elements in their personalities that support our beloved preconceptions than to any evidence to the contrary. So we often completely miss the target and pay a price for our misjudgments.

The frontal lobes are in love with our preconceptions. This hard-wired programming undercuts us in a multitude of ways depressingly familiar. The most common is the way our preconceptions and prejudices distort our perception of people who want to evaluate.

This is our all too natural ability to convince ourselves of whatever it is we want to believe. How? We simply give more weight to events that support our prejudice or preconception wanted any evidence to the contrary.

Preparation must precede OPPORTUNITY
Think about how many great opportunities are lost by what I call "semantic sabotage". If you've ever found yourself stumbling over your words, or simply not knowing what to say you have lived "the dilemma of dialogue." Even if you made a statement, then realized that was not exactly what he meant. These are all preventable diseases.

I bet YOUR'VE NEVER had this experience ... Someone comes to you. Then tell him your name. Suddenly you realize that I can not remember their name. Why this happens so often? Simple, you did not forget their name - never really heard first! Still she was at the center of the photo.

Many people do not listen with the intent to understand - they listen with the intent to meet or impress. That has not happened because the mind has no capacity simultaneously. Therefore, if you are following your statement, you are not concentrating on his words, tone and actions.

To read a person like a book, you must open them, make them talk. As people to open up is a skill that can be learned.

A skilled conversationalist uses specific question in three different categories. (1) conversation starters. (2) Personal questions. (3) philosophical questions. Once you've learned a limited inventory of optional applications you can switch categories to control the outcome.

Questions are the key source of knowledge and power. Who does not ask the right questions always hears the wrong answers. An unclear issue is an infinite number of answers.

Many say that the information is the road to power. The wealthiest people will tell you that is their ability to make wise choices in dealing with people is their greatest asset. And when he made mistakes, has often been disastrous for them socially and financially.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Have You Ever?

Have you ever wonder if you really happy? What happiness means to you? What if all things are almost there, but love was not there? Continue to be happy?

** A man and a woman in love without knowing .. others have had a great time with each other.They become partners and lovers in a single wink. Almost every test set win .. some misunderstandings resolved to happiness, but because it must end soon? Same as wink of an eye?

Difficult, she admits she is still very deeply in love the same man, but how can you say that his feelings for her love? If the man she loved did not want to see and talk with her? Yes! That must move on but it's hard for her ... right? It will take days, months, even years, and more than likely to forget the man ...
As for the man now? He seriously look forward to his studies and musical interests ..**

The End of History does not yet appear in perspective ... the woman still hopes for love of her man and still dreaming that one day we will be together and she will be happy again as it was before ...

You Never Know with Women

Who are you? What is your moral relationships especially when you are caught in difficult situations? You just compromise to find an easy way out? difficult questions.
It 's easy for a writer postulated high spirits, as if s / he is above board. Not so for me. I had a year ago, the bitter experience that I will share with you. It made me rethink my use of the car. This is my story.

Want to drive a comfortable car air conditioning? And you can easily raise beautiful girls who are on the roadsides? You better be careful because you may end up in a dramatic plot you never expected from you never know with women.

I left the second church service of Christ Chapel, Ijora, Lagos, Sunday afternoon that good feeling. The Praise and Worship session really introduced us to the presence of God s. The songs were melodious and soul searching. And the pastor's message was clear - they are your brothers / sisters keeper, and always help others whenever you can. I left the service that day, with peace and joy of God in my heart. After Jesus Christ, the Lord of my life, I made up my mind to always apply the biblical teachings.

That was my state of mind that Sunday afternoon when I headed home, Okot, Lagos. The road was clear and the air conditioning in my car was. I ran down Western Avenue Ikorodu Road, Anthony Village, right off the freeway connected Oshodi-Apapa. This is the day the Lord has made, and I will be glad and rejoice in it. So I thought. I never knew what to expect before Berliet Motors after bus stop ILAS.

As I coasted along the highway, I saw a shabbily dressed girl, 20, standing next to the service and express lanes of the highway. He waved frantically in front of my car but the driver zoomed past her. While he approached, saluted again.

A lot of thoughts raced through my mind at that time. This could be an emergency. This girl may just be a victim of chance ritualists who were then terrorizing Lagosians. Or it could just be in serious trouble and needed urgent help. In addition, the Pastor's message was still playing in my head. I wanted to play good Samaritan and help the poor girl. How wrong I was, as I was to find 30 minutes later.

I stepped on the brakes is still my Peugeot 504 saloon from the sidewalk to the street a few yards from where the girl was looking haggard. What should be the problem? I thought, as he ran towards my car. "Mile 2" he snapped. "Oh no, I turn Cele bus stop," I replied. "If you can drop there and continue your journey, you can hop inside" He bounced inside I engaged gear and went into the highway.

We had only pushed a few yards when he fired the first salvo.

His left hand moved and began to stroke my right thigh. "I can keep you company?" she asked, her voice hoarse. I was disappointed but not surprised. I took a worker to cheap sex trade (prostitute), and under his face. Again, like I was wrong, as I was to discover later.

I sighed and scolded her. "Why do this activity? And 'this is the best you can do with your life?"

She said that was not his fault and his fault the economy hurt business. He reeled off other vague reasons. But I was no longer interested. Very disgusted, I rushed towards Cele bus stop, eager to leave her and go home.

A few passengers stood at Cele afternoon waiting for a bus to Mile 2. My girlfriend made me turn into droplets before Okot Road. I obliged. As I did so, the second part of my bizarre encounter began. He began to curse me, rained abuses on me and used foul language imaginable for daring, according to her, treat her with contempt.

Then the first surprise. Still cursing and now visibly angry, his left hand shot out and grabbed the collar of his shirt, clutching his throat. problems of recording, I kept my calm and begged
let go. She has vehemently refused, with vigorous shaking his head and threw the bomb, "Settle me!"

"Settle what?" I asked in amazement.

He asked for money, claiming that after making love with her, I have to pay before you can let go. It was then that I realized that my generosity had brought upon me.

I've been a regular victim of vice-me, a gimmick used by rebel girls loose and frustrated to extort money seemingly naive and ignorant men. I had heard many of these stories, and whenever I had a good laugh and I thought it would never be a victim. And here I was in the clutches of a girl first, that under normal circumstances, should not be seen with me not to mention having to deal with her.

Then the alarm! What are neighbors, friends and colleagues say if they see me in this mess? What will they think of me? What will my wife's reaction? Nobody will believe my story.
These "I compose" the girls have perfected their art of extortion of money. Are surprisingly grab a man, raising alarm in a crowded place, and asks a fee for a supposed good time. Trapped in this set-up, the male victim want the earth opens and swallows him.

I tried to reason with my girlfriend angry, but she deteriorated and banged my fist on my car's windshield threatening hell and brimstone. The idea struck me. Drive to the nearest police station and hand over this girl. How did I drive, grabbed the steering wheel.

Continuing our ground accident. He was really ready for a showdown.

I still kept my cool, hoping he would listen to my wise counsel.

No way. I tried to make up to leave, he was too smart for that. Uncontrollable anger then grabbed me to help pull it out of the car and hit the dump in the bush. It 'been a first choice as close to the bus stop Cele was nearly deserted Sunday afternoon. But a voice in my spirit told me: No to violence! No to violence!

In exasperation, I thought, what next? But my girl was not finished yet. In the blink of an eye, took off his robe and sat beside me in the car naked, no panties, no bra. His left hand was still gripping my neck, right hand clutching her dress dirty. You need to see us. We were like a couple as a film.

But it was true. I was shocked by his nakedness.

If a girl to go to the point of stripping only to extort money?

I blamed. Why did you choose this girl? So many charges. It was then that I remembered I prayed the Almighty God to save me out. I spoke in tongues.

Hearing this, was surprised and took me around saying: "You can continue to say what I will not let you go."

I continued to burst in Tongues. As I did so, his anger slowly began to ebb. I noticed the impact and continued to speak in other languages. Gradually, she calmed down, but continued to keep my neck and was still naked.

Then a young man walked past, saw us and stopped. What is the problem, he asked. I told my story but interrupted harsh, "I force quit? Did I force quit? He stopped and picked me on your behalf. I have no strength to stop."

I agree with you but did not say so. Another passer-by intervened. It 'was difficult to get her talking. He finally agreed and muttered an incoherent story. The men pleaded with her to let me go I said innocent based on our observations. And I was determined not to give money for what?

As she wore her dress again, I do not know. Like our brokers begged her to let go of my shirt, and still cursing, her eyes darted across the road. I thought I was looking for a rock to break my windscreen as unable to extort money from me. Please leave him and go, people complained. Frustrated, he continued to rain abuses on me. All this while, my car engine was running, and my hands on the steering. While his right hand strayed to the door handle to open it, I immediately grabbed the gear knob pretending I was lost in thought. I was still praying that this girl should just leave with her trouble.

Suddenly he pulled the door open and rushed out, leaving the door ajar. At the same time. I am engaged gear and ran down Okot Road towards the roundabout. The front door is closed. I quickly looked through my rear view mirror with a look of great relief and I saw my former captor with a piece of rock in my hand staring at my car as I sped away.

I have at my house two hours late. My wife was out of town and my junior brother who lived with me was not a. So this is it, I thought as I settled down on the couch in my living room. I thanked God for my escape. I was particularly happy that we did not attract a crowd of curious about who had made fun of me. I played the drama into mind as a home video. Again, I thanked God But I never swore to give ladies Rides Again.

For two weeks, I could not tell anyone the story, not even my brother. When I called the courage and told my colleagues in the office, they laughed uncontrollably. I do not blame them. I laughed so when the other victims told stories of their regular meeting with my girls.

So what do you think dear reader? I was naive. It can be corrected. I acted with zeal without knowledge. D more like it. But I never promised to be a victim again.

And so men look like you give ladies rides the highway. The "fix me" wolves are on the prowl. You never know with women. happy motoring.