Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Apologize When You Hurt Somebody

In every relationship there will be occasional misunderstandings and hurt feelings. Sometimes we are what hurt another person, sometimes we are what was injured. Sometimes both people have become very angry with them, or both feel hurt.

hurt feelings can be the result of a slip, a misunderstanding or a bad act committed in court. Sometimes feelings are hurt deliberately in the heat of anger and regret later.

If we were guilty, we regret what we said when we leave the offensive comments from our mouth. We want to apologize immediately, but some of us find excuses for anything very difficult, almost impossible.

Sometimes the motive is not to apologize because we are convinced that the other person totally deserved our angry outburst. Sometimes the reason for not apologizing because we have absolutely no idea that we hurt the other person. And sometimes we apologize very profusely, but not seriously.

When you sincerely apologize to a friend, it means that you regret that the other person which causes emotional pain, and you want to work to repair the friendship.

If you have said or done something wrong and your friend, it is important to recognize the painful emotions of your friend. You can say something like: "I'm so sorry you feel bad because of what I said. I did not want to hurt you. Let's talk about what happened."

In some relationships, hurt feelings and problems are never tackled. Instead, they get "swept under the carpet." These reports may seem polite on the surface and may also be of long duration, but are not really very intimate. There is no deep sharing between the two peoples and there is no ability to be honest.

If one or both feel very angry with each other, to postpone the discussion on it until when both are calm and levelheaded. But sincerely apologize to your friend as soon as possible.

After an apology for a particular incident has been extended and accepted, will not go back and review old battles the next time you have a disagreement. Take care of each incident as it comes and do not nurse old resentments.

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