Saturday, July 21, 2012

Recognize Unhealthy relationships

One of the keys for a better life or living arrangement is to assess the quality of the relationships around you. You Surround yourself with loving relationships or unhealthy relationships? For someone who has a pattern or history with unhealthy relationships, the difference between the two can be difficult to decipher.

healthy relationships are relationships that add to our wealth, not steal. You bring out the best of us to be supportive of our goals and our inner self. Unhealthy relationships often cause us stress and subtract from our well-being, often leaving us feeling depleted of energy.

The most common symptoms of unhealthy relationships include sickness, stress, and a negative view of ourselves and our world around us. People who are accustomed to unhealthy relationships often stay cornered in situations like this, why not recognize that there is another way of life. One could continue the unhealthy relationship indefinitely and never seek a better life for themselves or may leave the unhealthy relationship, but not the model.

The life model is essentially the root of the problem. The model may be due to education or any other form of family relationship influential. The key is to recognize the behavior and identify where you came from.

A creative way to assess your patterns is to write down. Take out a notebook that we know will keep for years to come. Write down all the most important relationships you had in your life. Your first form of relationship more than likely had a family member or someone acting in this form. Known as showed you love. So as you can see that love reciprocated. Continues in chronological order with any additional reports that you had, ie friends, personal and love relationships.

Next make a column on the right side. Re-read your assessments in order, as we read through them to determine if it was healthy or unhealthy and mark down the right hand column. An overview of your relationships right before your eyes is easier to look in.'' You can actually lead to attention problems that were not aware of before. To some, this may also be a rather emotional exercise, but keep in mind is an exercise to encourage the growth of healthy behavior.

Whatever your circumstance take time to assess your involvement and choices with relationships. Have you always choose a controlling relationship? Or always choose a relationship where you are the enabler? Are you respecting your own boundaries while you are in a relationship or be killed? Are you always compromising your time and effort to please another? Or are you always compromising your morals or beliefs? Are you maintaining a balance with the activities of themselves and others? Or focus so much on another person who is taking care of other obligations and priorities?

All these questions will help you identify the quality of the choices you're doing when you are choosing relationships. Once you identify your model, you can not deny an unhealthy relationship. Awareness will make your behavior and the unhealthy relationship even more difficult to tolerate.

After you identify your patterns and bring awareness in the fourth, the next process is change. Granted the other party do not always agree or like the change that you're doing, but you have to act alone. In the long term will suffer if there is even one of you is unhappy.

How can we avoid unhealthy relationships? Learning to love and care for ourselves, regardless of whether someone is in our lives. Once we identify our needs can easily work with the feelings of others, without interfering with ours. When we establish a relationship with ourselves, we no longer have 'relationships needy'. Instead we can re-teach ourselves to be 'giving' relationships.

Follow your intuition. If something does not feel right to you with a report and then pay attention to these feelings. They are there for a reason. Some people can grow together inside their relationships and some may have to grow apart. The key is to look at ourselves and our relationships in their true light.

Know that everyone has the right to have a love affair or friendship. We are worthy of receiving love just as we are worthy of him. true partnership fills our cups with abundance, joy and solidarity, a gift that multiplies into our hearts and our families'.

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