Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The breakdown of relationships and because they can not

All females need sexual tension from a potential or existing partner to consider having or continuing to have a physical relationship with them. Lose this from the outset and will be the mayor of the friend zone.

Definition of sexual tension - Cocky and funny. A strong mouth, walking the fine line of being dissolved without much offense. Posing as a challenge and do everything he says without a little 'give and take.

No sexual tension = a dead relationship.

There are four general types of relationship.

The friend RATIO OF AREA

Familiarity with no sexual tension. (Usually the male not opening his mouth to challenge a girl really fancies.) This leads to complacency, as the female becomes numb to the presence of the male (because they stimulate emotionally through lack of communication) and social partners as members HIM only. This leads to the friend zone. The male is permanently seen as a friend not only sexual. Once a woman has her mind that you are a friend and says the F word And 'the kiss of death for any attraction you have for her. You will never have a physical relationship with her from this point onward and will spend the rest of your time with her, feel put down with this big boy on the weekend. The whole time you're dying inside. When she finally tell her how you really feel and she rejects you. You sit and wonder why you can not answer the phone more like I was a great listener to her problems.

Purley physical attraction

Purely physical attraction. After a while 'lack of sexual variety leads to complacency on both sides. Boredom / lack of sexual tension makes both parties become tired of them quickly. This leads to a breakdown in the relationship and the two sides separate. This relationship can be extended if both parties are willing to explore their sexual fantasies and keep variety in the bedroom. The long-term viability of that relationship is still in question.

Physical attraction and Sexual Tension

Physical attraction + sexual tension equals love at first. Female tries to change male to her ideal image of a man. The male resists, lack of conformity amounts to continue the sexual tension which equals a lasting relationship viewed as love in a love-hate relationship.

Physical attraction and sexual tension VERSION 2

Physical attraction + sexual tension equals love at first. Female tries to change male to her ideal image of a man. The male is compliant and no longer poses a challenge. Female gets bored as there is more sexual tension. Relations began to slip. Male thinks everything is ok as he is doing everything she wants, but in reality, has lost interest in him. At this point you or be with him in a pure partnership agreement or leave as soon as a better male comes along that stimulates her emotionally.


The scenarios described above does not take into account over possessive partners that bully or smother their partners, to the point they leave or attack them. This is known in some circles as a 'bunny boiler'. So named after the film fatal attraction where an obsessed Glenn Close cooks rabbit pet family in a revenge attack for its refusal on Michael Douglas progress after a brief sexual relationship.

Usually over possessiveness stems from insecurity or lack of trust in a partner. (They may have been wounded in the past and are determined not to let that happen again, to the point of becoming an obsession.) O is a total psycho, run for it!

Relationship number 4 is the most common. In general you will see while at the mall. The husband pushes the trolley and each time the wife speaks, or is expensive or not expensive. The husband has conformed to do what she needs to have a quiet life. The woman thinks he's superior control and learned the art of human manipulation.

In reality she is destroying the mans animal attraction to her. She is slowly numbing him into a relationship with someone else. I still do not know, but as he no longer poses a challenge for her, is slowly becoming numb to him. As his animal instinct is tamed and he finds her attractive less and less, they suddenly one day find themselves in a loveless marriage.

They, at this point be co-existing in a society of relationship based purely for survival or for children. This has led to reports of breakage after 30 years of marriage and both partners wonder why their marriage is so lifeless.

It 'been described as' the spark fizzling out'. In reality is the lack of sexual tension or sexual variety. Remember, a female thinks with her emotions and a man thinks with his ... .. err .... Mechanism of physical attraction.

If a male no longer stimulates her emotionally, she's looking elsewhere. Similarly, if a woman is no longer sexually attractive to a man, he will elsewhere.

Not me wrong ladies, some things can not be reversed, such as aging and the passage of time, but there are ways of getting older and still be sexy to a male partner. A boring sex lives is a recipe for disaster and being sexy is more than a lack of wrinkles. If in doubt, it's time to start experimenting in the bedroom to see what pushes his and your buttons. Explore sexual fantasies and do things that other only dream about at night while your partner is asleep. You'll be surprised how quickly your relationship bounces back as a result.

If you have any sense you will heed my warning weather you are male or female, married or just starting a relationship. Try to keep alive the sexual tension between you two. Otherwise, it will be the next train to dumpsville wondering why he or she slept with someone else.

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