Friday, August 24, 2012

Warning signs he / she can not be that

All of us have looked back on past relationships and said, "What was I thinking." The problem is that you were not thinking. You have been involved in the chemistry and wonderful sensations of the moment that you chose to overlook some warning signs that there may be problems ahead. Here is a list of things to look out for when dating:

CELL PHONE USE: There is a new disease in the city. It's called "phoneitis cell." People with this can not be disconnected from their cell phones. They will accept a call 24 / 7. Being out with someone like this can be annoying. It 's almost as if you're not even there. If you start with someone and discover that they have this disease, you can indicate your displeasure - One time only. If they persist, forget them. It 'a rude and disrespectful behavior on their part and we do not tolerate that now that we do?

Driving behavior: If you want to know what is really like someone, a passenger in the car with them. To cite an online school traffic: the stronger the self-image that drivers have, will be less threatened by what happens around them. The identification with one's vehicle is a symptom of a weak ego. Insecure people think everything that happens on the road is a direct threat to them personally. Someone interrupts them, and must react, "Who people think of me to cut out?" The irrational thoughts of insecure people can keep them constantly upset. Damn, this sounds like the kind of person I'd like to date. No!

ME! ME! ME! : I once met a guy who had a track mind. That is, all that was in his mind was himself. He went on and on all his accomplishments. I thought it was finally turning around when he said, enough about me, tell me about you. Before I could get a word out, it was back to his favorite subject! Yup, himself! That total deviation. I think the boys are guilty of this than girls. Sorry. Guys I know that some women will be impressed by what they did, they know, etc. They go on thinking you're getting somewhere (closer to the bedroom?). women are not smart for that. We want to engage in a conversation. If we see a man play, go to the theater!

BOO-HOO-HOO: Do not you just love going out with someone who always complains? Ah yes, the joys of seeing the glass half empty. There is always someone or something wrong that has hurt them. Arrival at their mercy with cheese party for their complaint if you intend to stay. If not, RUN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

She's a Psycho / It 's a Jerk: If you believe in the law of attraction (attract / are attracted to what we are), and the person who starts today says that their ex was a psychopath or a jerk, what they do them? You guessed it. It means that you're a psychopath or a jerk? Only if you choose to stay. Just remember, one day will be the psycho jerk or someone else will complain.

Caller Name: I'm surprised at how many people take all this. What is one of the main reasons for being in a relationship? Because your life has increased because of that person to be in it. Does being called a bitch or a loser make life better? I can understand someone saying that you were a bitch or you act bitchy, but the next time someone says "Bitch!" For you, you're only response should be: "You're right. I am a bitch. I am a child in full control of herself" as you walk out the door forever.

ORAL SEX: In all my years of meetings, I just came across a guy who did not want to do oral. In general, girls may have more of a problem with it than boys. In both cases, it is not a good sign, especially if it is important to you. I have a girlfriend whose husband refuses to do so. The poor girl has been relegated to only dream when you sleep. Since that oral sex is an acceptable part of sex in the 21st century, if someone is not willing to participate, of course, have problems. Whether you stick around to see if they are willing to work on those dependent on you, but just keep in mind that this is always a red flag.

Hanging Up: We all hung up on someone or someone had hung over us. However, at some point, you grow up and realize that we can not just go around hanging up on people when we are upset or frustrated with them. The proper way to deal with this situation is to say something like: "I do not want to talk to you now. I'm going to hang up. Bye." If you're finally at this point and someone crashes on you, you might think two times before dating them. There are bound to be published in other maturity involved. However, if you are still hung up on people and someone crashes on you, then stay together. Those of us who have grown up, you need not bother us back on the scene.

Soap opera: this is mostly for boys. Soap operas are the television equivalent of Harlequin romances and as Secret deodorant, they can be "strong enough for a man, but made for a woman." I just do not think the boys have any business watching soap operas (sorry CBS, NBC and ABC) unless you are actually on the show and want to control their "performance".

I LOVE YOU: Anyone professing their "love" within a few weeks or months of meeting was insincere and immature. You have to know someone before you can truly love them. Yet, people are throwing this phrase around to the right and left and before you know, the relationship is over. It 'better to err on the side of caution and take too long to tell you to hurry. Of course there is no need to tell you that scream out for the first time during a moment of "passion" does not count.

There are two things that separate me from almost everyone reading this: the awareness and attitude. I am aware of red flags and the attitude that I do not want to stay once you see them. Now that your awareness has been raised, what will be YOUR attitude?

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Do not ignore signs: How emotional infidelity can ruin your relationship

Emotional infidelity can start with a simple hello or a nod. It begins in a meeting room or a chat.
One husband says: "What is the problem? We're just friends."

The other spouse can not believe the reassurances. So the jealousy builds and a wedge is driven between partners. Sometimes nothing really is happening, and sometimes a deal is in progress. It 's just a matter of time.

So how can you tell if your spouse is a potential cheater? How can you stop a relationship to become romantic out of your marriage? Here are five topics to think about before you determine if your marriage is in the danger zone.

1. Privacy: Do you feel as though your partner may tell you more about her new friend? Or hide the details of your platonic relationship from your spouse? If so, why? It 'best not to keep secrets from your partner, or even if you think she'll be hurt, angry or jealous. If you want a successful relationship, trust and honesty is the main factor for the wedding that should not be compromised.

2. Displaced Trust is information that should be shared between husband and wife shared outside the relationship? Topics such as sexual intimacy, irreconcilable differences, personal finances, and detailed accounts of your partner's weaknesses are best left to the constructs of marriage.

3. Comparison: Your spouse will liken it to a friend (s) of the opposite sex often? Or do you feel as if your spouse could improve in areas that excels your special friend? Comparison of once or twice can not be a problem, but the comparison is usually a warning sign.

4. Time Management: What time do you spend together as a married couple? E 'particular duty, such as paying bills or going to conferences for children? Or actually given - one-to-one, no, young family or friends around? If not, and you find yourself or your partner, working on such activities outside of your relationship, you stop it. Or invite your spouse or do not do it anymore. Coffee Talk can turn to pillow talk in the blink of an eye.

5. Attraction: Do you feel as if your spouse like the way his special friend is doing? If you are attracted to the way your friend looks or the way he / she does something? If so, address this issue with your partner and then try to refocus your attention on each other, rather than the party outside.

If three to five of these issues must be addressed in your marriage, do not wait until it's too late. I urge you to get professional help either from your religious leader or a professional adviser.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

How To Catch A Cheating Lover

Relations. Virtually all of us are in one, or at some stage, have been.

In the early days things are great. The birds are singing, the sun seems brighter than ever before, the stars twinkle brighter than before ... is smiles all round.

A great feeling.

But with the passage of time, often relationships can struggle, people grow apart, change of interest ...

Individuals, couples, partners can move away from each other - not necessarily the fault of people. In reality, the blame lies with both sides often, but not accept it, and perhaps secretly or subconsciously blame the other person.

When life starts to drag, the excitement seems to have been discharged, a routine can be tedious and even annoying, it's incredibly easy to be 'stuck in a rut', or languish in the 'comfort zone'.

Spontaneity becomes just a word that appears only in a crossword puzzle, rather than a spark to rekindle a relationship.

The sizzle turns into a simmer, then a shudder.

Perhaps the pressure of work, bills and mortgages, or perhaps babies, children, schools, colleges, universities, examinations, traffic jams, age creeping on you, peer pressure, jealousy .... the grass greener ...

The fact is that it is common for not being able to put my finger on any single event or cause, which causes the failure of a relationship. E 'is often a continuous chain of events, often when a person is completely unaware of the problems that spiral in the most serious problems.

E 'at this point, when the issues become a big threat.

Perhaps one of the 'parts' is not aware of their actions, they can only stumble into or onto, someone else.

BANG. - Sparks fly - that long lost feeling resurfaces, chills down the back of the neck, the excitement, pleasurable attention which has been hurt for so long at home.

Before you know - are out to start a hidden, secret affair behind his back.

In the early days of a report, the guilt is very high, but over time, this dissipates gradually to the point where simply do not give a damn about you anymore.

Do not get me wrong, they will still pretend everything is OK - I love you still, of course, but slowly make small, small changes one at a time, you probably do not realize, or maybe you do, but well-prepared answers and excuses seem to work on you.

All the time, you forget ... Or are you?

nagging doubts ??... Questioning actions ??... something wrong ??... Changes in routine ??... It seems strange ??... Hidden whispers ??...

The worst comes when you face the other person, only to be told "... you're stupid ...", or" ... of course I still love ... "or" ... if you loved me , trust me ... "

This would then leave you feeling worse, self-doubt and uncertainty.

You are now in a dilemma ... a dilemma ... A vicious cycle of doubt, that starts with you being unsure, but afraid to question as this could lead to problems - or even drive the other person away from you.

This alone could drive you crazy.

You start to look the other person differently, and their friends. Which of them know each other? Who is involved? About the affair with? And 'someone you know? And 'one of your friends?

There is, or there's something sleazy going on? You've been stabbed in the back? Are your friends betray you? Who can trust or talk?

It 's a nightmare.

At this point, the wrong move could completely ruin your relationship, especially if there really is not any seedy affair going on, and your partner is faithful ... Maybe it's just your imagination, perhaps you have been paranoid ... but maybe not.

Can you see the paradox?

There is no immediate solution, no magic pill ... It 's all a question of how to deal with the situation ... if the situation is all in your head ... or something more.

The key is to prevent this from happening in the first place ... But sometimes this is easier said than done.

To avoid following a plan. One that you would be surprised how many people ignore.

1. Communicate. Communicate. Communicate.

2. Never take your partner for granted.

3. Communicate. Communicate. Communicate.

4. Be spontaneous - occasionally and randomly. Do not try to do it regularly, that simply is not spontaneous, right?
5. Communicate. Communicate. Communicate.

6. Take a step back and then ... Take a good look ... Making the point ... Count your blessings.

7. Communicate. Communicate. Communicate.

Have you seen a development framework?

Communicating does not mean talk to them ... it is to speak with them ... Listening to them ... Listen to what they say ... Understanding ... Compromising.

And if he's past that stage - be very careful how you deal with issues.

Sometimes it might be better to ignore things, put out of my head - sometimes you just have to know the truth before all the guide you're crazy.

© 2005 Gary Durkin

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Lobster - The Food of romantic!

Summer is here! Woo-Hoo! You know what always comes with the summer? Well, besides the bugs! Weddings! Yeap, that's right, weddings. But I have another for you. Years after all those wedding what else comes in summer? Nooo, not divorce, Anniversaries. All those who are now married to celebrate their wedding anniversary. Congratulations!

So, are you one of those lucky people who found the love of your life and to celebrate a wedding anniversary this summer? If so I have a suggestion for you. In fact, this particular suggestion could be used for any special occasion birthdays, Valentine's Day, Make Up Day ;-). You get the idea.

As explained in my book "The Ultimate Online Dating Handbook" a romantic dinner is one of the best ways to show your significant other how much you care. Most women love to get all dolled up in makeup, perfume, and a special dress sexy to be taken out by their man and shown some appreciation for years of hard work. But do not kid yourself ladies, men love this too. We all want to feel like we are loved and appreciated, and initiating a romantic dinner at your favorite restaurant will do just that. But what kind of dinner, he says really love and romance?

Well, Harris Poll conducted a telephone survey of 1,015 Americans, age 18 years to find out what would be the best chance anniversary or a special dinner and here's what they found.

Would you believe that more than two in five Americans, which is 42%, consider Lobster is the most romantic food. A spokesman for Red Lobster said: "The lobster dish is ideal for a romantic dinner out or special occasion. It is an exotic delicacy that results in an intimate moment between loved ones because Lobster is hand-held and shareable. Frutti sea, Especially Lobster, is a catalyst for connection like no other food. "

Lobster was not the only food considered Romantic in this poll. Next on the list was steak. 24% of those surveyed said steak was their most romantic dinner. Steak was followed by pulp 10%, 9% shrimp, crab legs and chicken tied at 5%, and pork at 1%.

More than nine out of ten respondents, which is a huge 93% said they would plan to eat at Their favorite restaurant for a special occasion like an Anniversaries, Valentines, etc.

You're done! So for this anniversary, or Valentine's Day coming up, or any other special occasion on the calendar, remember that Lobster is the food of romance.

Bon appetit!
Marie Clare.
Dating Consultant

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Telltale signs your spouse is Cheating

If you suspect that someone near and dear to you is cheating, there are signs you can look. A subtle deviation may trigger warning bells. Consider purchasing a GPS vehicle tracking device, so you know exactly where your spouse was, until the last kilometer.

If you really want to know the truth, than is sufficient reason for reading. Some signs that you can give a cheater include:

A sudden increase in time away from home, such as participation of new features, especially alone.
A diminished sexual interest in you.
Increased use of Viagra.
Leaves a room to take a phone call or whispers when many people tend to talk louder on cell phones, especially mobile phones.
Tends to use the computer alone and is more secretive and defensive about it. Such as deleting history of sites visited their Web browser or emptying the Recycle / Trash.
Use your computer when you are asleep.
Has a compulsive need to check e-mail, be online or instant message someone.
Tilt the computer monitor out of sight when you enter the room.
Seems to be particularly interested in your program.
Begins to do the laundry or just to check carefully their clothes.
phone bill goes up or try to hide it.
Have unexplained costs of credit card or bank receipts.
Start transaction give you blame as the flowers.

The scammer knows many of the techniques used by private investigators specializing in this type of work. They know to look for surveillance when they travel to meet their lover. They know that the computer can be monitored. They know that phone numbers can be traced.

If your partner starts to buy condoms, even if you are using birth control pills, this is cause for concern. A semen detection test kit provides clear proof of their infidelity.

It 'important that does not provide any reason to be more cautious and alert. Smart crooks often present some of these precautions:

Never gets involved with someone or your friends know.
always check to see if they are met.
Try not to deviate from their normal time.
The story will fit in a normal day to avoid suspicion.
Never phone numbers stored in their phone, write them down, or gives the person speaking with a fake name, etc.
friends asked to cover for them.
Does not make any calls from your home phone, your spouse or lover might have a recorder connected or cancel Caller ID and * 69 features.
Get a prepaid calling card to use at home or from work or pay phones.
Remove the phone call history often.
Do not use a credit card to pay for restaurants or hotels, EZ-Pass and cash, or anything that leaves a trace.
Always cover with showers or cologne, etc. before returning home after a romantic date.
When they meet, says he does not wear perfume or cologne on their lover, or wear the same brand as yours. It keeps the business away from places where friends and colleagues could see them.
Arrive separately in clubs or restaurants.
They seek to ensure that the lover has to cheat as much to lose what if their relationship is discovered.
They may bring "evidence" of which they were last night around like matchsticks or leave a receipt to be discovered. This is especially true if you suspect.

Ask yourself why are cheating. There are many possibilities, like a midlife crisis, the arrival of a new baby, or simply boredom, and you should review. This knowledge will be important if you decide to confront your cheating spouse. Then again, you may want to keep this secret and use it as grounds for divorce.

Friday, July 27, 2012

In Love? Do not throw out the baby with the bathwater

While Internet dating sites promise to help find a person "compatible", our intuition, and a look around confirms that the married people we know what usually happens is that "opposites attract."

Naturally it is important how you define "compatible", and researchers and theorists are pursuing. We constantly study of attraction and romance, because those who marry may be the most important decision you make in your life, and the divorce rate in the United States right now is 50% for first marriages, 60% for second marriages and 70% for third marriages. The number of single adults increases every year, when we know that marriage is beneficial to our health, and isolation is more harmful than obesity, hypertension and smoking ... combined. (And a roommate does not count.)

What does "compatible. And 'physical attraction to be similar in terms of energy, intelligence, age, socio-economic status, occupation, sexual desire, values, temperament, Keirsey type? Possess the same type of dog? Ask three different people and get three different answers, but why bother? We all know people mis-matched on any or all of the above who are happily married.

It defies logic.

I know two married couples where the man is 23 years older than the woman. Just a couple split up, married four years, divided by 2. B couple just celebrated their 10th anniversary, and are referred to as "a marriage made in heaven."

One thing is certain: we know when we get married to be compatible because we are planning to live together forever. We are confident of this because the hormones that fall in love have done their work, which is to make us feel this way.

When we fall in love we fly on a number of "details" and this is the way it is supposed to be. We focus on the similarities and all the good points, enlarged them and glorify them. We can not believe our luck in finding someone who is absolutely perfect for us.

We fall in love with someone, but we also love to traits that are "balancing." Neil is serious, organized and discreet and loves Martha is a spontaneous free spirit. Sarah is tough, hard-driven and Achiever loves that Jose is a laid-back, compassionate people-person. Tony and Anna are two romantic, doctors left-brain, but Tony is an extrovert, with a large extended family that gets along great, Anna, the introverted, did not, and she loves that about him.

So we get married, sure of our choice, and what happens 2, 3 years later? There are arguments that it is quite clear that we see things from very different point-of view, and suddenly focusing on a trait of our partners, the negative label, and this then spread to encompass the whole person. Push to go silly, we conclude that are not compatible, after all, we married the wrong person, and we retire in a divorce emotional, if not legal.

This is because it is a good reason to get married when you're ready to love, not when you're in love. When those strong chemical bond-first start to wane, Katy-bar-the-door.

Generally, small differences on points that hide deep-rooted convictions, like what he would have behaved as if he really loved you, what a responsible wife would fix for dinner, like a husband should make love, and that work a married woman should have.

Take Neil and Martha. Neil likes things organized, and Martha, free spirit who is as good as you think 2:30 is 2:00 or even 3:00. After she showed up late a few times, Neil decides she is "irresponsible" despite the fact that you are responsible for anyone's definition, about children, his work, and even the car. It does not matter to Neil. His definition of "responsible" and "suitable wife" understands that he must be on time. Locks into position.

At the same time, notices that Martha started collecting on her about punctuality, and this is depressing you, Because your definition of "a good husband" is "someone who loves me just the way I am", and she "hates nit-pickers." Martha quickly decides that Neil, a good breadwinner, a patient father, and a satisfying lover, not a suitable husband.

Getting along is not about compatibility, it's learning to get along, and you learn by doing it. Actually, it was said, that's where our worlds overlap, an area sometimes alarmingly small, But if you must be right, instead of in the report, you will be right and just.

My mother always told me when I was in this way: "Do not throw out the baby with the bathwater."

The quality of mercy is not strained and in the realm of non-lethal defects that we all have, it's best to stay focused on good, and the overall picture. When we zero in a negative thing, it assumes a life of its own, and "I prefer it if he put the toilet paper so that it rolls down, not up," turns into "I can not live with someone who has inconsiderate and selfish and I'm out of here ", or" throwing the baby out with the bathwater. "

The irony is that what you loved most in him ', the thing that attracted you to him first will be the thing that guides you NUTS 3 years later. Why? I do not know why. You tell me.

I only know what is sad to hear someone say: "She was sweet, and good boys, but, God love her, she could not have organized" or "It was a good provider, and faithful, but kept the cans of soup literacy in the pantry. "

When I'm not aware of the symbolic significance of these crimes, and the tremendous emotional investment individuals have put into this quiz, is incomprehensible. As one who likes to push a absurdo argument, I think to myself, would rather have a serial killer who did not alphabetize the soup cans, or if it had been neglected and average children, but it was very Organized he would be happy?

Or, we clearly can not tell the whole story. Can?

I like when I hear someone say, when the stories of war from the beginning, "Yes, my ex wore white socks to work but that is not divorced him," because I like to think that helps raise consciousness.

People learn, sometimes, unfortunately. We read on the Internet dating sites that have thrown the baby out with the bathwater, "I learned that no matter how you roll the toothpaste tube," and "life is too short to be upset over what color the walls of stay are. "

Falling in love is the easiest thing in the world. Learning to love when you do not love most, is where the rubber hits the road. If you're lucky, you have a lot of time, and only the right person to carry on - that "active, athletic hunk" You're married now "does not care about anything but golf," and that "strong, bright lady "Are you married, who" thinks he knows everything and tries to tell me what to do. "

Go for it!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Attraction: Is it worth it?

The common scenario:

Your partner is hardly ever home to give attention and when at home, he is worried about his routine. The two then start collecting small things for each other. This makes you feel misunderstood and lonely down on yourself.

One day you are after commissions domestic work and noticed a male colleague. He comes to you and asks you to join him for coffee. You agree and the two of you talk and laugh. Then exchange email addresses and next thing you know, you're waiting to speak with him again and maybe even your job a little sympathy '.

Weeks pass and the excitement ebbs just a little 'how do you feel guilty and confused. You begin to have obsessive thoughts as a contributor wants the two of you to have some alone. Your wandering if could bring happiness that is missing in your life at home, if the grass is truly greener on the other side.

What do you do?

You're Only Human:

And 'human nature for you to know that you are loved and desired or wanted. Of course, some are simply addicted to the feeling of excitement you get while going through an attraction with someone other than their partners. feel insecure and lack confidence in themselves can make a person think and do things sometimes uncomfortable when receiving attention from another. In fact, 274 to 703 people lacking intimacy altogether from their partners. Most people yearn for passion in their lives almost more than they want or need money. The media puts great emphasis on it through the internet, cinema, television, radio, magazines and books. I can not count how many times I read a juicy romance novel and wanted to pummel my husband with it as he was fired on the couch.

Paying The Piper Of Desire:

The desire for love is over rated and misunderstood everywhere and many relationships are torn apart by perceptions of what a person thinks they need to fill a void in their lives. They'll practically sell their souls for romance, passion, desire and arousal. Something that their partner can not or will not give. But then, never communicate with their partners about what they need so how can they know that you can not get? The few who have discussed their needs and desires with their partners still do not receive it at the moment that justifies their actions. Very rarely or party gain anything but guilt and self-loathing. Not to mention, what others feel and think about them when they decide to act on their attraction or infatuation.

When ... phase:

Infatuation is a strong, stupid, but transitory, attachment to someone or something. The attraction is similar but not made. In a survey I conducted, the average person that experienced attraction or infatuation was thirty-something category. Many people, especially women, go through an extreme step, at this stage of life. Dress up the mirror and find the crow's feet or laugh lines forming. Looking back to see what has been done and what has not. Wondering what's out there. We all go through it and does take a toll on our self-esteem.

Use It or Lose It:

Personally, infatuation with someone other than your partner can actually put spark into a stale relationship. In my personal survey, 19% said that their relationship and feelings with their partners were positively stronger after their infatuation for another. On the other hand, 31% said they never changed their relationship at all because they never told their partner and never acted on their feelings.

Many people make the mistake of acting on their undeniable infatuation while otherwise committed to another. Out of 294 males, 124 have cheated on their partner and 122 out of 326 females did the same. Approximately 30% of my buyers inquiry staff advising others in similar situations to be "careful" because "not worth it" or "recognize the attraction for what it is and do not read more into it." On a positive note, 37% of those who have the survey did not act on their attraction.

Is This Love?

The definition of love, a feeling that animates a person who is dedicated, sincere and passionate about another person or thing you want to activate. No wonder so many confuse infatuation and attraction with love! The similarities are obvious. But the key words are "devotees" and "desire actively". Love for another is long-term, a more grounded feeling of infatuation or attraction. None of the situations in my personal investigation led love or marriage with another person. Although, 44% led to a serious sexual relationship but neither case ended up as a simple one-night stand. For most, 27% say it is just a memory that you would prefer to forget. And only 27% hope to see that person again.

Rewind and re:

Then why most of us so hell-bent on the thrill of infatuation or always wondering if the next person is "the one" even though we're already in a commitment? It 's all about ourselves. What you're not getting and refuse to ask for and give in return. How do we feel about ourselves or see through the eyes of another. Our boredom with a current situation. Not to mention, some of us are just thrill-seekers and taboo-addicts.

Recently, I came across a quote from in attraction.

"Come into the garden to look at the flowers, not weeds.
People are attracted to different looking flowers. But even some pretty flowers stink once we try to smell them. "

I think the moral of this quote is, physical attraction is important at first. Only when you try to explore more qualities will we know if there is chemistry and most times not. However, if we are already committed to another, we can still watch the most beautiful flowers, just leave them alone. Instead, share your feelings of their beauty with your partner and cultivate your garden as beautiful as a couple. There is a greater chance of being your grass greener for all.

© 2005 Audrey King

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Love advice: Surprise Your Love

Dating unknowingly become just a habit for you? Becoming not as fun and exciting as before, as when the two of you just started going out together? Well, I do not mean that there is a problem in your relationship. In reality this is a very common thing. Over time, as a couple to know and understand each other better, of course enter into a comfort zone with another. It is within this comfort zone that they begin to share with another more than their own personal life, building a mutual trust and a stronger link in the report. However, it is also at this time all the surprises and emotions somehow get lesser and lesser during their dates. Both have got so comfortable with others that there is basically the need for them to impress one another as during their initial dates anymore. Sadly, dating has become more of like a routine and habit to them.

To most guys routine dates are actually ok, but again, things is not generally the case for girls. Hmm ... maybe before you go, just a tip for the boys. Well guys, even if the girls would not be complaining but believe me, deep down inside they are still longing for that surprises. Let us not disappoint them, okay? And well girls, please understand that guys are still kids after all. I'm just naturally less insensitive creature, just not that good to express themselves. But that does not mean they do not care about you?

Well anyway, I think we all love surprises and excitement. Life would be so boring without them, not you agree? There would be nothing to look forward to. The same goes for love. Recall all those sweet moments when you had the two that you just started dating. It was not love or perhaps life so fun and exciting then, still waiting for the next date, wondering what surprises would be there for you?

Using a bit 'of imagination, planning little surprises for your love would surely make your love life, going a long way to keep the flame of love. I'm sure you want an interesting love life, always making your love happy? Remember, when your love is happy, happy you.

Hmm ... Perhaps a monthly celebration for a start? One day each month to be able to look forward to an exciting and romantic night together? Oh how nice is not it? Think about it.

NOTE: You are free to republish this article on your site, in your newsletters, e-books or other publications provided the article is reproduced in its entirety, including author information and all live website link as below.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Spiritual Friendships

As we walk our paths in life, we will encounter several forms of friendships. There will be friends of convenience, friends by association, and friends of the heart. Friends of convenience are friendships that you could have simply because both are accessible to each other. These friendships are common in a work or school environment as people are united by place alone. One might also term these friendships as members''instead of friends because they associate with one another because they feel that you need.

These types of friendships can easily disappear as soon as they came or who may actually become more meaningful friendships over time. Then there are friends by association, friendships that exist because of an association with another friend. You can purchase these forms of friendships because of your current friends. You acquire your friend's circle of friends and make them truly unique. These associations can lack strong foundations and even knowledge of each other, but either way, I respect them as part of a friend who originated the event.

Then there are friendships that are few and far between, best friends or friends of the spirit. You can find this form of friendship with or in addition to your partner. This kind of friendship is guided through a deep spiritual bond. Are very strong and spiritually ignited. They can overcome distance. They can overcome cultural and language barriers. Exceed the age and even gender.

There is no convenient or association. These friendships are a sign of respect and purpose. This unit to be connected our hearts to our souls. We remind and encourage our greatness and all contribute to our welfare. These friendships are the purest of levels. They are not sexually motivated. They did not even necessarily rely on the power of any physical contact. They exist at all alone.

That these friendships are touching our hearts. They leave precious imprints where it matters most. These friendships are gifts in themselves as they are aligned with our internal mechanisms and details. They somehow give us comfort, no matter what our moods and it seems that our concerns covered with little or no effort. They do not necessarily exist, but care.

These spiritual friendships allow us to really feel the insides of another. They allow us to close a connection that typically both people can hear the thoughts and emotions of others. We are attracted to them because we are destined to be. These friendships can be confusing and surprising as it could sneak up quickly on us, but friendships do not need to go unnoticed and certainly not forgotten, for as long as they are to stay.

Monday, July 23, 2012


Some people choose to live life differently than ourselves. This applies to children, adults and people in general. Sometimes this does not always leave a lot of room for compromise especially when it comes to a loved one who chooses a different path. Like any journey, is composed of choice, both positive and negative. Some people choose to live a good life and honest some people choose to be destructive and self-limited their willingness to drive. Regardless, it's their choice and their decision to live as they wish.

What happens if you see someone on the path towards a dead end? Well you can take this as a first step to their attention if they wish for your opinion. But then, I'm really on his own and the only thing you can do is let them discover for themselves the consequences. Sometimes action is needed most by your own especially if they destructive behavior begins to affect their personal well-being. In this case you have two choices, or participate or not.

Perhaps it is considered easier part is that you must address the conflict head on. Many people choose this way of thinking, and suffer the emotional turmoil that comes with it. We can not always get their hands on the strings of others' lives, preventing them from falling to the ground. Sometimes the behavior itself extends much our loved ones dying, because they never reach their bottom and not acknowledge their mistake.

The choice to participate is a very difficult task, requiring great strength and adamancy. You must first tackle the problem affecting the person you address their behavior, and then deal with the action you are going to take alone. Everyone has boundaries, but it is up to us to express them to the person who crossed them. Nobody is a mind reader and also for those who are our interpretations can be misinterpreted. Say what you say and how to follow up, follow through with what you say. This can be very difficult, especially if you do not intend to contact the person.

But in some cases this is the best way to make room for someone they really need to see for themselves where they go and what kind of life they are living. Some "see" and others will spiral downwards in the life choices they made. What is important here is protected, however, that your "self" and your "wealth" being affected by their destructive path and behavior. This does not mean you love them less, it just means that you love them at a safe distance.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

People we never forget

There are special people who walk in and out of our lives, but leave their footprints behind us to remember. And what is interesting is that even if you separate or years away, is never to forget their presence or the memories you shared together.

I met a lot of people in my life, many members, but true friendships and relationships have always been a rarity. The older I get, the more I appreciate and reflect on the impact these relationships had on my life at certain times.

There were always the right words spoken, the right arm open, sometimes when I needed to bond more. And although at the moment, I recognized the value of our friendship, which is not until now that I fully can appreciate that person had to offer me.

You can have two completely separate lives and be miles away, but found that despite the passage of time, there will always be a relationship with someone who will remember so dearly, now only has just changed form.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Recognize Unhealthy relationships

One of the keys for a better life or living arrangement is to assess the quality of the relationships around you. You Surround yourself with loving relationships or unhealthy relationships? For someone who has a pattern or history with unhealthy relationships, the difference between the two can be difficult to decipher.

healthy relationships are relationships that add to our wealth, not steal. You bring out the best of us to be supportive of our goals and our inner self. Unhealthy relationships often cause us stress and subtract from our well-being, often leaving us feeling depleted of energy.

The most common symptoms of unhealthy relationships include sickness, stress, and a negative view of ourselves and our world around us. People who are accustomed to unhealthy relationships often stay cornered in situations like this, why not recognize that there is another way of life. One could continue the unhealthy relationship indefinitely and never seek a better life for themselves or may leave the unhealthy relationship, but not the model.

The life model is essentially the root of the problem. The model may be due to education or any other form of family relationship influential. The key is to recognize the behavior and identify where you came from.

A creative way to assess your patterns is to write down. Take out a notebook that we know will keep for years to come. Write down all the most important relationships you had in your life. Your first form of relationship more than likely had a family member or someone acting in this form. Known as showed you love. So as you can see that love reciprocated. Continues in chronological order with any additional reports that you had, ie friends, personal and love relationships.

Next make a column on the right side. Re-read your assessments in order, as we read through them to determine if it was healthy or unhealthy and mark down the right hand column. An overview of your relationships right before your eyes is easier to look in.'' You can actually lead to attention problems that were not aware of before. To some, this may also be a rather emotional exercise, but keep in mind is an exercise to encourage the growth of healthy behavior.

Whatever your circumstance take time to assess your involvement and choices with relationships. Have you always choose a controlling relationship? Or always choose a relationship where you are the enabler? Are you respecting your own boundaries while you are in a relationship or be killed? Are you always compromising your time and effort to please another? Or are you always compromising your morals or beliefs? Are you maintaining a balance with the activities of themselves and others? Or focus so much on another person who is taking care of other obligations and priorities?

All these questions will help you identify the quality of the choices you're doing when you are choosing relationships. Once you identify your model, you can not deny an unhealthy relationship. Awareness will make your behavior and the unhealthy relationship even more difficult to tolerate.

After you identify your patterns and bring awareness in the fourth, the next process is change. Granted the other party do not always agree or like the change that you're doing, but you have to act alone. In the long term will suffer if there is even one of you is unhappy.

How can we avoid unhealthy relationships? Learning to love and care for ourselves, regardless of whether someone is in our lives. Once we identify our needs can easily work with the feelings of others, without interfering with ours. When we establish a relationship with ourselves, we no longer have 'relationships needy'. Instead we can re-teach ourselves to be 'giving' relationships.

Follow your intuition. If something does not feel right to you with a report and then pay attention to these feelings. They are there for a reason. Some people can grow together inside their relationships and some may have to grow apart. The key is to look at ourselves and our relationships in their true light.

Know that everyone has the right to have a love affair or friendship. We are worthy of receiving love just as we are worthy of him. true partnership fills our cups with abundance, joy and solidarity, a gift that multiplies into our hearts and our families'.

Friday, July 20, 2012

The difference between approval and appreciation

Having worked with individuals, couples, families and business partners for 35 years, helping them learn to resolve conflicts, I have often faced the difficulties that occur when people are confused about the difference between approval with appreciation. Ever wonder the difference between approval and appreciation? Most of us have never really thought about it, but if we think, we realize that we feel very differently when we receive approval as opposed to receiving appreciation. There are good reasons for this.

The approval is something that gives a wound, the control of us. The approval requires the other person show in the way we want or expect. Approval is manipulative - that is, they give a result in mind. We hope that the other person will continue to do what we want, as a result of recognition.

Visitor, unlike others, is something that we all love from a place inside - what I call the Adult love. It comes from the heart and has volunteered as wells heart with feelings of joy, wonder, joy, or love for another way of being. Praise has more to do with the essence of a person rather than performance. We appreciate a person's core Self, who are really the result of who they are rather than what they do and their performance. Yours sincerely, no attachment to the result, expect that others should or will continue to play. Praise is a true gift.

Often, when someone says he wants appreciation or do not feel appreciated, what they are really seeking is approval. And 'the wounded part of them do not feel seen and appreciated within - not to see and enjoy themselves so that they need others to feel worthy. The wounded self of the individual projects forward the inner need to be seen, understood and appreciated by others and pulling to get this need met. Every time I hear someone say that they feel valued, know that their essence - their inner child - is not seen and loved by their inner adult.

When we are giving ourselves the attention and appreciation that we need and then we receive appreciation from others, feels wonderful but is the icing on the cake, not the cake. When it becomes the same cake, then we need to look inward and recognize that we delivered to others to define and validate our worth and amiability.

When you share something about yourself with the intent to obtain approval, attention or appreciation, can not bring himself to share with other people. Instead they feel pulled to validate you. When you share something about yourself with the intention of offering something to others, it feels like a gift. This is clearly illustrated in the wonderful film, Good Will Hunting. In this film, the therapist played by Robin Williams, shares much personal information about himself with his client Will, a young man angry and resistant. The shared, not because he wanted or needed anything back, but purely to help Will feel safe in opening to their pain.

We can challenge ourselves to be aware of our intent when we offer positive feedback for others - is a true gift or have strings attached? And we challenge ourselves to be aware of our intentions when we share things about ourselves - we are giving or trying to achieve? Give for not feeling well to others who are at the other end of the shot, and get what we want from others feels good only for the moment, but ultimately tiring for us. It 'hard to be always trying to get others to do what we need to give ourselves.

Give the appreciation and sharing of ourselves from a loving heart, without getting anything in return, you always feel wonderful and exciting for us and for others.

The following paper is available for free use in your ezine, publication paper or on your Web site, provided the author resource box is included at the end. Notification of publication would be appreciated.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Right or power struggles Be Loving

Mandy and Evan consulted me for advice a couple because they were always arguing. Every little thing seemed to become an issue between them. They loved each other very much, but the dispute was certainly not get in the way of enjoying each other.

I ask Mandy and Evan to present some recent conflicts so I could experience what was happening between them. They had conflicts over time, money, parenting, family and business. The dynamic between them was the same no matter what the problem: one of them would complain about something - like the house is messy or the other person is not on time, and one would argue, explain and defend. Then we went back and forth, each defending and explaining their position. Neither heard the other or even seemed to care about other people's feelings or position. They all get locked in their positions, seeing themselves as right and trying to convince the other person to see their way. They had what I call a "control-resist system.

In this system, a person approaches the other with the intention to win, to be right - to control. The other person, not wanting to be controlled, goes into resistance. You are trying to win and the other trying not to lose. You are trying to be right and the other trying not to make mistakes. As long as their intentions were to control and not be controlled, have been blocked. They had no way to reach resolution on any of their problems.

While Mandy and Evan loved, care was not a part of this system. As soon as a problem came up, stopped caring for themselves and others. They were so intent on winning or losing does not care that went out the window.

"At any moment," I told them: "there is a view to control or intention to learn. The problem is that both immediately choose the intent to control, which will always result in bickering. Mandy, I'd like you to try right now to listen to Evan's concerns about the mess in the house. See if you can find a place to take care of her feelings. See if you can really hear and see through his eyes. Then I will do the same for you. "

As Mandy Evan really listened with care and desire to learn, he began to understand his frustration. For the first time, Evan felt really felt about the issue. Then Evan really listened to Mandy, trying to see things through his experience. They found that as each began to understand others feelings and experiences, new ideas came to solve the problem.

Being in the intent to learn is about learning rather than solve problems. Resolution may be the result or not, but the new learning will inevitably lead to positive change.

Often, people are reluctant to listen to each other for fear of losing oneself. They fear that if you hear the other person, appear to be weak and will have benefited. But the intent to learn is not just listening to each other - they are also listening to yourself and learn to live in your truth without imposing on another. If you take care of you and on both the other person, then it will eventually lose themselves in the conflict.

The intent to learn is about being in compassion for both yourself and your partner. When care and compassion are more important than winning and being right, you will find a way for both to win.

time next time you are having a conflict, ask yourself: "I'm trying to control or am I willing to learn?" Even if your partner still groped to control when you move to learning compassion, you will find new inner strength, strength and wisdom that is much more satisfying than winning or losing. You will be able to go beyond the bickering as one learns to listen while standing firmly in your truth.

IMPORTANT - Publication and Reprint Terms

The following article is available for free use in your ezine, print publication or on your website, provided the author resource box at the end is included, with hyperlinks. Notification of publication would be appreciated. Please ask permission if you want to publish this article in print.

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Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Being a victim Emotional

None of us like to think of ourselves as victims. The term "victim" brings to mind an image of a pathetic person who is powerless. Therefore, it comes as a shock to many of us to understand how often we allow ourselves to be victims emotionally. Having advised individuals, couples, families and business partners for 35 years, I know that many of us are victims most of the time without realizing it.

We were victims at any time give another person the power to define our value. We were victims at any moment we approve, sex, property, a substance or activity is responsible for our feelings of happiness and friendliness. We were victims at any moment we can blame another for our feelings of fear, anger, grief, loneliness, jealousy, disappointment, and so on. Whenever we choose to define ourselves outside, we are handing away power to others and therefore we are controlled by their choices. When we choose to define ourselves internally through our connection with our spiritual guide, we move to power and personal responsibility. When sincerely want to know our own intrinsic value and whose behavior is in our highest good, and we ask the Spirit, we receive a response. Many people do not realize how easy it is to receive answers from a spiritual source. The answers will open minds in words or images, or responses will occur through your feelings when your sincere desire is to learn.

We always have two choices: we can try to find our happiness, peace, security, friendliness and value through people, things, activities, and substances, or you may feel joyous, peaceful, secure, loving and worthy through the link with a spiritual source of love and compassion - taking loving care of ourselves and love others.

Every time we choose to find our happiness and security through others, then we must try to control them to give us what we want. Then, when they come through in the way we hoped, we are victims of their choices.

Here's an example: Don and Joyce are in a continuous power struggle over how to handle their children. Joyce tends to be authoritarian, while Don is fairly liberal. When Joyce gets frustrated with parenting Don yells at him in general about its permissiveness. Don Joyce often listen to rant and rave about him. Sometimes it goes on for over an hour and just listen. Then, when he tries to talk to her, he refuses to listen. Don then feels victim, complaining of how Joyce and cries and refuses to listen.

When I asked Don in a counseling session with him because he sits and listens Joyce said he hoped that if he heard his would listen. I asked him if he does ever heard during these conflicts, and he replied "No"

"Why do you need her to listen?"
"I want to explain to her why I did what I did with the children."
"Why do you need to explain to her?"
"So you will not be angry with me."

Don leaves scolded by Joyce as his way of trying to control Joyce, hoping to make her approve of him. Then he tried to explain to further control how she feels about him. When you do not listen, you hear the victim screaming, blaming her for being angry that a person who controls it.

If Don were willing to take responsibility for the approval of himself through his connection with his superior force, he would not listen to Joyce when he was yelling at him. Instead, it would set a limit against being scolded, saying only he would listen when he spoke of him with respect and only when it was open to learn with him. But as long as it has to approve him to feel safe and worthy, not set this limit. Until Don open his spiritual guide for his safety and value, instead of delivering the work of Joyce, is a victim of his unloving behavior.

Taking responsibility for our feelings of value through the development of kindness and our spiritual connection, that instead of giving work to others, we move out of lives in being and personal power.

The following article is available for free use in your ezine, print publication or on your website, provided the author resource box is included at the end. Notification of publication would be appreciated.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The breakdown of relationships and because they can not

All females need sexual tension from a potential or existing partner to consider having or continuing to have a physical relationship with them. Lose this from the outset and will be the mayor of the friend zone.

Definition of sexual tension - Cocky and funny. A strong mouth, walking the fine line of being dissolved without much offense. Posing as a challenge and do everything he says without a little 'give and take.

No sexual tension = a dead relationship.

There are four general types of relationship.

The friend RATIO OF AREA

Familiarity with no sexual tension. (Usually the male not opening his mouth to challenge a girl really fancies.) This leads to complacency, as the female becomes numb to the presence of the male (because they stimulate emotionally through lack of communication) and social partners as members HIM only. This leads to the friend zone. The male is permanently seen as a friend not only sexual. Once a woman has her mind that you are a friend and says the F word And 'the kiss of death for any attraction you have for her. You will never have a physical relationship with her from this point onward and will spend the rest of your time with her, feel put down with this big boy on the weekend. The whole time you're dying inside. When she finally tell her how you really feel and she rejects you. You sit and wonder why you can not answer the phone more like I was a great listener to her problems.

Purley physical attraction

Purely physical attraction. After a while 'lack of sexual variety leads to complacency on both sides. Boredom / lack of sexual tension makes both parties become tired of them quickly. This leads to a breakdown in the relationship and the two sides separate. This relationship can be extended if both parties are willing to explore their sexual fantasies and keep variety in the bedroom. The long-term viability of that relationship is still in question.

Physical attraction and Sexual Tension

Physical attraction + sexual tension equals love at first. Female tries to change male to her ideal image of a man. The male resists, lack of conformity amounts to continue the sexual tension which equals a lasting relationship viewed as love in a love-hate relationship.

Physical attraction and sexual tension VERSION 2

Physical attraction + sexual tension equals love at first. Female tries to change male to her ideal image of a man. The male is compliant and no longer poses a challenge. Female gets bored as there is more sexual tension. Relations began to slip. Male thinks everything is ok as he is doing everything she wants, but in reality, has lost interest in him. At this point you or be with him in a pure partnership agreement or leave as soon as a better male comes along that stimulates her emotionally.


The scenarios described above does not take into account over possessive partners that bully or smother their partners, to the point they leave or attack them. This is known in some circles as a 'bunny boiler'. So named after the film fatal attraction where an obsessed Glenn Close cooks rabbit pet family in a revenge attack for its refusal on Michael Douglas progress after a brief sexual relationship.

Usually over possessiveness stems from insecurity or lack of trust in a partner. (They may have been wounded in the past and are determined not to let that happen again, to the point of becoming an obsession.) O is a total psycho, run for it!

Relationship number 4 is the most common. In general you will see while at the mall. The husband pushes the trolley and each time the wife speaks, or is expensive or not expensive. The husband has conformed to do what she needs to have a quiet life. The woman thinks he's superior control and learned the art of human manipulation.

In reality she is destroying the mans animal attraction to her. She is slowly numbing him into a relationship with someone else. I still do not know, but as he no longer poses a challenge for her, is slowly becoming numb to him. As his animal instinct is tamed and he finds her attractive less and less, they suddenly one day find themselves in a loveless marriage.

They, at this point be co-existing in a society of relationship based purely for survival or for children. This has led to reports of breakage after 30 years of marriage and both partners wonder why their marriage is so lifeless.

It 'been described as' the spark fizzling out'. In reality is the lack of sexual tension or sexual variety. Remember, a female thinks with her emotions and a man thinks with his ... .. err .... Mechanism of physical attraction.

If a male no longer stimulates her emotionally, she's looking elsewhere. Similarly, if a woman is no longer sexually attractive to a man, he will elsewhere.

Not me wrong ladies, some things can not be reversed, such as aging and the passage of time, but there are ways of getting older and still be sexy to a male partner. A boring sex lives is a recipe for disaster and being sexy is more than a lack of wrinkles. If in doubt, it's time to start experimenting in the bedroom to see what pushes his and your buttons. Explore sexual fantasies and do things that other only dream about at night while your partner is asleep. You'll be surprised how quickly your relationship bounces back as a result.

If you have any sense you will heed my warning weather you are male or female, married or just starting a relationship. Try to keep alive the sexual tension between you two. Otherwise, it will be the next train to dumpsville wondering why he or she slept with someone else.

Monday, July 16, 2012

8 Keys to Lasting Love

My granddaughter, Merritt Miles, at five years, was the inspiration for, 8 Keys to Lasting Love. While reading her a story I was very disturbed by what I was to tell her when I read: "And they lived happily ever." So, I took the liberty of changing the final "They started the task of creating a very good marriage." Merritt did not want to think, like many of my clients were, that marriage was so simple that it just happened magically and couples lived happily every after. Such as marriage and family therapist for thirty years, I saw the pain of people after the honeymoon is over when you awaken realization have married a mortal. I hope my granddaughter, who enter adulthood, it will avoid the pitfalls and pain of those who succumb to this "happily ever after" myth.

1. Stop guilt. Starting life. And 'our responsibility, not our partner, to feel better and heal. Our partners will be responsible to us, but not for us. So it is useful, instead of blaming our partners, to ask these questions, "Why did I draw this person into my life?" And "What Is that I need to learn from this experience?" Within a good marriage, we grow up.

2. Avoid syndrome fixer-upper. We think we can solve our partners and form in their perfection. Our version of perfection. So many people marry for potential. Never marry potential. Marry for safety, security between two people who accept each other faults and all.

3. Making a promise to keep our integrity. Do not withhold victim hood as a prize. This does not allow us to grow. The work on behaviors that make our partners want to change to be kind and loving. Vent our feelings without being out of control. If we are in a relationship that has mutual respect, over time we may need professional help. Preferably, we would seek that help with our partners.

4. Delete attack thoughts. These types of thoughts are incredibly destructive over time. If we attack others, ourselves and our thoughts, which interferes with our own happiness and peace of mind. Learn to find joy even in difficult times. As Mother Teresa once said: "Our best protection is a joyful heart."

5. Do not hold anger. Holding anger is like drinking poison and waiting for someone to die. attack thoughts turn into constructive thoughts and actions. Think thoughts that are grateful for ourselves and our partners. And to express these thoughts often. When building an emotional bank account full of positive thoughts, we have positive emotional currency to counter with angry moments come.

6. Wake up, no makeup. The soap opera that I have seen women wake up first thing in the morning, with all their makeup, false eyelashes and all. This is not the real world. What we do for a successful marriage is learning to be more real. What we do for a successful marriage is learning to feel more secure to be who we really are.

7. Wake up and makeup. It 'important that couples learn to repair and heal after each fight. Finding solutions. Does not stop rehashing the past. I live in the present, and find ways to keep the marriage alive and vibrant. Happy couples learn to repair their differences.

8. To change our relationship, the place to start is by changing ourselves first. Better to reinvent ourselves, why not be able to change our partner. Learning to love in a mature way, without trying to control or manipulate. CS Lewis once said: "To love without control or manipulation should be surprised by joy." There will really be surprised by joy when we can live in the moment with our partners. And inside of us.

Copyright 2005 Linda Miles Ph.D

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Relationship Crisis: 6 Reasons To Get physically fit

crisis in relations (break-up affair, huge conflict, children problems) demand tremendous energy and often throw our lives a healthy track - which further perpetuates our inability to respond to the crisis in a healthy way.

Do not forget your body while you struggle with a relationship or marital crisis.

It 's easy to let go. It 's easy to postpone - I will start tomorrow - your walking, running or training. Your concern for the other person floods your life, leaving little room for anything else. Or, you are so excited that it seems impossible to yourself "talk" in Getting Started.

But the exercise and nutrition are powerful tools to help themselves at this point. Here are six reasons why:

1. Exercise and attention to your nutrition shift your focus to you. exclusive focus on other person atrophies your spirit, your energy, productivity, your emotions and your body healthy. They fade. Decreases. It becomes less than they really are. So much of my work with others is helping them to start thinking for themselves and act for themselves. This is an important move. It can start focusing on your body. It 's the best, most practical place to start. Your body is essential. This is a big part of you. Start paying attention to it.

2. Focusing on the body, using it, stimulating, making it stretch and sweat is a great way to reduce stress. I am not an expert here, but I understand that kicks healthy body chemicals and cleans some of the toxins - calming the mind, heart and soul.

3. Your confidence grows as you begin to manage your body and see changes in its resistance, strength and beauty. Begin to think better thoughts about yourself. Self-care can lead to a small miracle in terms of your perception of yourself.

4. You begin to think of yourself as more desirable and sexy. Your sense of sensuality may be at risk. It may be on the line. It may be questioned. Doubts abound. This is a complex and powerful in our culture. (Watch a few commercials on TV.) Exercise and physical health cuts through the doubts. Being physically healthy is sexy. Do you feel more sexual and you become more desirable.

5. Physical fitness is one of the first steps to becoming a very interesting and exercising your personal power. Once you believe and act attractive, the power of marital or relationship crisis in your life will decrease. It 'actually might seem rather juvenile. Yes, there's more attractive to looking great. But we begin by honing our bodies, work and care for it. This creates the foundation for other forms of attraction and personal power.

6. You assume control. You may feel as a result of relationship crisis in your life, you have little control or influence. Seems to be a waiting game. Wait for the other person. This person or the situation seemingly dictates your every move and thought. You feel paralyzed. When you start moving your body, take control. How about a great exercise, fitness program makes you the boss of that part of your life. You are in control. That feels good. That is good.

Start an exercise / fitness program in the midst of a crisis of relationship is easier said than done. Usually we need support, encouragement or a kind of structure to make us move. We have good intentions, but the follow through is lacking.

You no longer have to watch more online. There are great sites on the web that allow you to get started, offer encouragement and resources and keep you motivated and on track. Take advantage of these resources.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Couples - live a good life with others

How couples keep eye contact. Look at your partner's eyes when you say from the depths of your heart 'I love you'. As a pair each of you should put your partner first. You should understand that no matter what the circumstances are in your personal life, always put the first partner. Disclose to your partner what he or she is important and that the quality of life is premium because he or she is in yours. couples of God the souls in heaven and on earth release. So it is for the pair to find each other if true love should be. If you believe your partner is your soulmate, not just feel it, express it. If you get better results from your report.

Returning from a long day at work, immedeately after entry, try to embrace your beloved partner for at least a minute without saying a word. As the saying goes "Silence is" golden. You should leave all your problems at home. And if this is the right time for love and romance can lead to more than just a hug.

Each partner has a dream. Discover the dream of your partner, share it with her or him and honestly tell your partner if you feel you need to support their desires and you would like to be instrumental in making the dream. Give your partner an unexpected gift why. When delivering the gift, tell your partner that you thought when you saw this item. You should always be at your side partners, so they can feel the love and support you. Love your partner in this way every day for the rest of your life.

Men, remember to always open doors for her. Also remember to notice and complete the new haircut or a dress. Another tip: Do not forget to put the seat back.

Friday, July 13, 2012

You missed your soulmate?

Many people believe in love at first sight. They believe that in an instant, they know who should be with the rest of their lives. Unfortunately, these unrealistic expectations often end in divorce.

On the other hand, some couples spend 10 or 15 years to get to know each other before marriage. They will live together, make major purchases, and even have children, before making a commitment to marry. Unfortunately, many of these marriages also end in divorce because, even if committed with their heads (and maybe even their hearts), the couple do not know how to engage soul.

Finally, some people go to be unhappily single. They want to be married, but they are playing and dating, without setting realistic personal goals for their future.

Maybe you're one of the people I mentioned above. You are in a relationship (or your waiting for one), and you're wondering, "Is this it? I really found my soul mate?"

What if I told you I know your soul mate has more to do with who you are and your level of commitment, rather than finding the "perfect game" to complete you?

Make this because I came across a book entitled Sacred Marriage: What if God designed marriage to make us holy more than to make us happy? It made me think how true soul mate relationships are formed: God prepares each individual and brings them to a point where their cores may actually be knitted together for his purposes.

With this thought in mind, here are three ways to recognize your soul mate:

1. Communication between you is clear. "In his excellent book, Why I am afraid to tell you who I am? John Powell describes the five levels of communication: cliche, opinion, fact, emotion, and transparency." - Starting Your Marriage Right, by Dennis and Barbara Rainey.

Clear communication means that you and your partner can go beyond the clichés, facts, opinions and emotions to a level where you are vulnerable, but where truth prevails in your relationship. Transparency is not rapidly for most people, but when it does, freedom is not far behind. Transparency is only with courage, nonjudgemental attitudes and, above all, confidence. And this brings me to my next point.

2. You and your soulmate trust each other completely. This means that there is no need to ask if your loved one is doing something inappropriate, without thinking of your welfare, or without trial. The trust was created when words and actions line up to form a coherent picture of the person you love.

3. You and your soulmate know the meaning of unconditional love. You can say, "Keisha, how can you believe in this concept in this day and age? This kind of love never happens in real life." I am here to say that he does. If you've read some of my other articles, you'll notice all the things to be eliminated from a person's character (selfishness, pride and jealousy) to get there. We can not reach with our will, but for the grace of God and to understand its nature. No matter how hard we try to do our strength and conviction, relying on divine intervention is the only way to get rid of these three defects of character.

Ultimately successful not only soulmates are born at a certain point in time or space to connect by coincidence. Are made over time to be with them for life. If you're wondering if yours is, look inwards and upwards and you're bound to discover more of what you are looking for.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Flame of sisterhood

"One thing about trains ... it does not matter where you go, what matters is ... the decision to get on the train ..."

well ... in friendship, it was just scary enough to accept the handshake gesture offers.The that a stranger is just so dangerous, why not all people have the courage to say "hello and welcome ...".

For me, I think this disaster before. But somehow, as fate allows ... I met this incredible woman whose mission in life is to touch people with a heart and mind of doubt.

Now, the power of sisterhood is so rewarding .... the energy that gives me is so powerful, that I have the courage to cast the tie that we ... here is the realization now this: "please do not go out to eat some worms ... a lot of people are on your side, just learn to accept their" hello "and do not fear the intimacy of frienship offer.

In this life, the surreal feeling of belonging and acceptance as to what you really are is so important. Taking responsibility is a must ... to risk in a part of us could give us the satisfaction of having someone or a group of people who really cares. friendship is life ...

So, this sisterhood we have is endless. has no boundaries, no expectations .. only love and pure love as sisters by heart. I want to take this oppurtunity to say "thanks" once again to touch my life sis ...

For the seeds out there, takes a lot of time having "good talks" by the Bay, wishing the day would never end, sharing ideas and endless brushing elbows with Father God ... dance with the moon, and sharing hugs and kisses with love .. Do not be afraid to feel, the feeling you are experiencing a lot of new possibilities.

Friendship is a healthy way to heaven ... is a gift from God

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Apologize When You Hurt Somebody

In every relationship there will be occasional misunderstandings and hurt feelings. Sometimes we are what hurt another person, sometimes we are what was injured. Sometimes both people have become very angry with them, or both feel hurt.

hurt feelings can be the result of a slip, a misunderstanding or a bad act committed in court. Sometimes feelings are hurt deliberately in the heat of anger and regret later.

If we were guilty, we regret what we said when we leave the offensive comments from our mouth. We want to apologize immediately, but some of us find excuses for anything very difficult, almost impossible.

Sometimes the motive is not to apologize because we are convinced that the other person totally deserved our angry outburst. Sometimes the reason for not apologizing because we have absolutely no idea that we hurt the other person. And sometimes we apologize very profusely, but not seriously.

When you sincerely apologize to a friend, it means that you regret that the other person which causes emotional pain, and you want to work to repair the friendship.

If you have said or done something wrong and your friend, it is important to recognize the painful emotions of your friend. You can say something like: "I'm so sorry you feel bad because of what I said. I did not want to hurt you. Let's talk about what happened."

In some relationships, hurt feelings and problems are never tackled. Instead, they get "swept under the carpet." These reports may seem polite on the surface and may also be of long duration, but are not really very intimate. There is no deep sharing between the two peoples and there is no ability to be honest.

If one or both feel very angry with each other, to postpone the discussion on it until when both are calm and levelheaded. But sincerely apologize to your friend as soon as possible.

After an apology for a particular incident has been extended and accepted, will not go back and review old battles the next time you have a disagreement. Take care of each incident as it comes and do not nurse old resentments.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Now Youre Engaged, How to choose a marriage Mens Ring?

So you just got engaged.

Whether you are a man or a woman has an important decision to make (amongst the myriad of other decisions) about mens wedding rings. And 'this. Will be the man in your relationship wear one?

Maybe you, maybe not. But both need to think about.

You see it was only after World War II that modern men have started to publicly display their marital status using a wedding ring man.

Before then it was rare for a man to wear a ring when you marry. The men were able to hide their marital status behind the tradition that required a woman to wear a wedding ring, but not a man.

However, during the war, many American soldiers chose to wear mens wedding rings as a symbol of their audience, while the state civil war and began a tradition for modern man. Now it is very common for a man to wear a wedding ring man, perhaps the norm.

So, what decisions should be made? Well, the first is this. Will take one? This is probably the most difficult decision in the process.

For women, there is no decision. She's engaged, who wants the ring. For she needs an engagement ring and wedding ring, and an expensive engagement ring at that. But for a man is not so straight forward.

So a very important part of the process is for both of you to talk about it. You both have strong feelings about the man wearing a wedding ring man, either one way or the other? If she feels that if she is to publicly display her marital status, then it is right that he do the same thing? Has reservations to wear a ring and if so what are they? You really need to talk over your feelings about using a wedding ring man. Establish the bases.

Once and if you made a decision that will wear a ring then it is only the beginning. It 'perfectly possible to buy a his and hers matching wedding ring set. These are rings designed as matching sets for both so that your wedding rings go well together. So you want to look for matching rings, or simply buy a ring and focus on her separately?

Then you must decide what kind of ring. There's a whole world of designs for mens wedding rings out there. A wide range of styles and materials. A man makes a statement about themselves in selecting the ring leading to his wife, and she is a part of that statement, if it is actively involved in the decision.

Think about his personality. Is he outgoing or shy? Is he outrageous or conservative? Is he crazy? Underestimated? When buying clothes what does select? If you buy brightly colored ties or links in keeping with the style of dress? He would wear clothes that make him stand out from the crowd or if he prefers to blend in?

His wedding ring of men need to adapt his personality. All these features, as well as many others, to bring your choice of ring. A man with a strong fiery personality would be much more likely to prefer a ring that stands out. Which sets him apart from the crowd, saying: "Look." On the other hand a man with a more conservative type of personality would probably prefer to say "I'm married but I'm not going to shout that from the roof with his ring.

Similarly, think about his stature. Is he short or tall? He is big or small? It has long slender fingers or short stubby fingers? These characteristics also bear on the style of ring selected.

So the size man before taking a decision on the style of ring for him.

One of the most common form of mens wedding ring is the style of bands easier. Often in gold or white gold, is simple and unadorned. A simple declaration of marital status and nothing else. But even among the simple bands there are decisions to make. How large? What color? What kind of material? New materials such as titanium or Platinum have broadened the choices dramatically. Mens black titanium rings really catch the eye.

Or, among the most traditional men sterling silver wedding rings look stunning. Or brushed mens white gold wedding rings. The range of choices now is enormous.

It is not necessary to decide on a single material. Mens two-tone gold wedding rings, using white and yellow gold, are popular. Maybe just the materials ring with precious stones such as rubies or sapphires or diamonds to create a surprising effect.

It 'perfectly possible to custom design rings or alone. The Internet offers a wide range of choices and also offers rings and other jewelry dramatically cheaper than your traditional brick and mortar stores. Several jewelers offer online design own mens wedding ring service so you can design a ring that is unique to you.

And if you want something really different why not consider the mens celtic wedding rings?

The range of choices is endless, enough to satisfy even the most demanding torque.

And remember that for a man this ring may be the only treasure he can ever wear. The choice of ring man has done is great.

So, now you're engaged, spend some 'time to think about what you intend to make a wedding ring for men. Start talking to your partner. The more time you spend on it the happier you will be with your final choice.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Here Comes The Sun (signs) - Romance, Astrology and You (Part Four)

Water Signs

water signs are reflective, responsive and whose nature is toward abundance, sometimes excess. Their characteristic is their emotional, expressive nature.

Cancer - Caring - (June 22-July 22) Cancer is ruled by the Moon and its symbol is the crab. It 's a water sign, and as such is connected to the world of emotions and instincts. People react positively to the sensitive nature of your input. If it's a love interest you are after, you instinctively know how to get the attention they want. Because you're a good friend and confidante, people have the tendency to confess their sins to you. When it comes to flirting you prefer a simple approach, more or reserved to one that is obvious. Are you a caring, nurturing lover and enjoy pampering and management. You can seduce the object of your desire with a home-cooked meal of fare that is fit for a king or queen. We tend to fuss over the object of your affection, a clear indication that you are interested in pursuing the future of relations. Cuddles and affection are your signatures in romance. She is also very protective of your love interests (all relationships in this case) and go to the ends of the earth to make this life feel safe and secure. The family is important to you and you like to share family traditions and those starting their own creation. For you, home is where the heart is. Cancerean a full courtship mode will invite their love interest to meet the family. They make people feel loved as the center of the universe.

Scorpio - (October 24 to November 21) Scorpio is ruled by Mars and is symbolized by the scorpion. As a sign of water is connected with the world of emotions. It can be intensely focused, even absorbed the object of your desire. You send by others as sultry, emotional and even a "dangerous". Your passionate nature could smolder for days, weeks and even months and then everything suddenly explodes in a volcanic fire that is almost impossible to contain. Do you have a sexy animal magnetism "which may subtly seduces the object of your desires. There is a fascinating way to you, when you look into the eyes of your love is like if you're looking deep into their souls. You are a born detective and will go to almost any lengths to get to know someone to whom you have an interest in. You are intense and emotionally perceptive. When evil is not easy to repair and forgive quickly (if ever). You know how to channel your energy and power to explore the sexuality of your lover. You are intuitive and curious, there are not uncover secrets. However, your nature is such that you can keep a secret of yours. Ever resources and self confident to know what is best for you and think you know what is best for others. Sex with a Scorpio is anything but subtle, full of energy, audacity and may also involve some risk. Looking for a fearless lover, willing to create a novel that trigger your passions one.

Pisces - (February 22-March 21) Pisces is ruled by the planet Neptune, and its symbol is two fish kept together. Pisces is a water sign, emotional and compassionate. You have an aura of mystery and love a good secret. You love affairs of the heart and could be involved in an amorous affair or steam. It can be shy or timid, and your sensitive side and air of vulnerability and can often work to your advantage to attract the object of your desires. I love love and fantasy and sometimes have difficulty separating the two. You can share your deepest feelings with the person you love, and often connect on a spiritual level. They say the eyes are the windows of the soul and you often find yourself flirting with your eyes. Pisces men are often seen as gallant (opening doors, offering a hand) and both sexes may sacrifice often putting the needs of their lover in front of them. We tend to daydream and often have their heads in the clouds. He prefers to go with the flow of ruffles feathers. You love to serve your lover and shower him or her with delightful fantasies. You have a spiritual nature, and are very creative. When it comes to romance, it can be really unpredictable and enjoy the game of love, but pursue the object of your affection with slow, careful intent.

© 2005 Taken from the book, Romance on a budget -

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Here Comes The Sun (signs) - Romance, Astrology and You (Part Three)

Air Signs

Air signs have a lot to do with relationships and intellect and are gatherer knowledge using their intuition and the head. They are known for getting what you want and achieve their goals. Their hallmark is making a difference in the world, whether in their own circle of influence or something much bigger.

Gemini - (May 22-June 21) Gemini is ruled by the planet Mercury and is symbolized by the Twins. An Air sign, Gemini is linked with communication. You have a way with words. Are you good at flirting and teasing, and can be a genuine partner sweet. Because of your "influence the twins are smart to adapt your style to suit the seduction. You can be witty and intelligent and are easily attracted to good conversationalists. You love the power of suggestion and using double meaning. Actually, not you use them when you skillfully flirt with others, be they romantic interests or just passing fancies. They adapt easily to most situations and love to share stores of people, places and experiences, which cleverly used to arouse ' interest in what you want. Why are you so tuned communication, you can see both sides of a situation. You know there are always three sides to every conflict. The sides of each of the parties involved and the truth, you have a talent for the discovery. You can be a prolific writer. love letters, poetry and notes can be easily used to seduce the object of your affection. And mind games are beyond your realm of romantic antics. Internet chats and forums of interest to you. Who knows, you may even find your future mate online. You have been known to give "good phone, and enjoy long conversations that revolve around romance and sexual innuendo. Flirting is second nature to you and you are almost shameless when it comes to practicing your flirting style. Because of their sometimes short attention span, Gemini lovers are more likely to hang around if they feel mentally stimulated.

Libra - Romantic. (September 23 to October 23) Libra is ruled by Venus. An Air sign, Libra is connected with social relationships and its symbol is the scales. Known as a diplomat to those closest to you, you have an incredible sense of objectivity and seek harmony and balance in relationships and in life. Happiest when we are in love can be sweet and sensitive. You love to talk about things related to love and romance such as novels, films or songs. It 's your way of flirting with the object of your desires. She is a charming, gentle and considerate lover and can adjust your style to attract what you want. In fact, I'd like to be partners in most aspects of life and find ways to include people who loved and admired in your programs, whether at work, at home or play. Although crowds of people do not seem to bother you, you prefer to spend time with your love interest only, rather than in a group setting. You can start a big gala affair, but will be for an appropriate time to get away so the two of you can spend time alone together. Are you a caring and loving partner and provide the utmost attention to your partner. Give your undivided attention is your way of flirting. You have a keen interest in others and can lend an ear or a shoulder to cry on. Is it love or courting and being courted by the object of your affection. Hearts and flowers, a long way in the novel view of your life. Libra does not like being manipulated, fair play is an absolute must.

Aquarius - (January 21 to February 21) Aquarius is ruled by Uranus. An Air sign, Aquarius is very social and is symbolized by the water carrier. An inventor at heart, it can be seen by others as a little 'crazy', often gravitating toward the future and progress of humanity. You are considered a visionary in search of open minded and less conventional ways of being and doing other signs. Is not generally break down under peer pressure; you prefer to be different. You are highly liked and surrounded by friends, because we know how to be one. A humanitarian, it is time for social reform and those who prefer to share your thoughts on life than those who easily conform to the pressures of society. They tend to be more attracted by the scandalous one that looks and behaves like any other. You are sometimes thought of as a "rebel with a cause" and will be attracted to a partner who shares your desire to change the world. You are a free spirit who needs his space, but does not mind sharing that space with the object of your affection, until you get pushed into a corner. We like to share your vision of the future and consider what you want your way of flirting. Sometimes appear aloof or emotionally, which may be a turn-off for some. Do not worry, the right person will find it attractive and be curious about what lies beneath that detached exterior. It seems a strange way of flirting ", but it may be interesting for those who are curious and have a similar behavior. E 'game of "intrigue" that can often turn to someone and make them want to learn more. Aquarius is a creative and imaginative in lover and often seduce the object of their desire in unusual (and places).

© 2005 Taken from the book, Romance on a budget -

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Here Comes The Sun (signs) - Romance, Astrology and You (Part Two)

Earth Signs

In the first part, I talked about how astrology can determine how to act and react in romantic situations. We also covered the fire signs. earth signs are physical and have to do primarily with materials business. They are natural and their feet tend to be firmly on the ground, "earth" types. The hallmark of earth signs is practicality.

TAURUS - (April 21-May 21) Taurus is ruled by Venus and its symbol is the bull. Taurus is an Earth sign, which is connected with fruitfulness and stability. She loves the luxury and comfort as sensual silk satin sheets, clothes suitable for a king or queen and beautiful surroundings. Are you looking for comfort, safety and beauty. A perfect novel for you is one that is harmonious and beautiful, if somewhat 'materialistic. Because of your passion for beautiful things, you proudly display your wealth and purchasing power. You are easygoing, quiet and comfortable to be around. You enjoy sharing "quiet times" with your love interest and even get excited everyday activities such as shopping and cooking and dining. You tend to be stubborn and will do everything possible to get what you want. When it comes to showering affection for the object of your desire, you enjoy physical contact. You have a very sensual nature and appreciate the pleasures of food, art, music, scents, caresses, or sex. Because you appreciate nature, a walk in the woods, hiking and mountain climbing can be considered exciting dates. You also love sunsets camping, gardening and just being outdoors and may be attracted to those who are still with your feet on the floor and outdoor activities. As long as your partner or mate displays the qualities of loyalty and honesty as we can possess, have your undying loyalty and a relationship to last.

VIRGO - (August 23 to September 22) Virgo is ruled by Mercury and is symbolized by the Virgin. As an Earth sign, Virgo is connected with material things and practicality. Ultimate Organizer, you gravitate toward anything that makes your analytical mind to use. For the world outside you may seem reserved and tend to hold back your emotions when it comes to love, it's no holds barred for the loving Virgo. You can show great attention to detail that can be considered good luck or a curse when it comes to relationships. Are you good to remember the wishes of your partner (even those that were mentioned only in passing) and love to meet those desires. To you, organizing the object of your affection is considered "flirting." Your favorite role is to help and be of service to friends and partners. You are witty, perceptive and logical. Your reasoning powers to help resolve conflicts quickly and easily take the novel to new depths. You need a partner that will help you loosen your cautious nature so. Are you a good listener and communicator, an important aspect in the novel. You love stories "over your partner and can sometimes be seen as critical. Your partner should know though that if you were not interested, you would work hard to help your love interest be" all he or she can to be. "Health is of great interest to you and work hard to take care of yourself. You want to please and when it comes to love you fall hard. Virgos are most attracted to those who keep fit.

Capricorn - (December 22 to January 20) Capricorn is ruled by Saturn and is symbolized by the sea goat. As an Earth sign, Capricorn is motivated, determined and sets practical goals. Taking unnecessary risks is not your "thing", even in the area of romance. You are ambitious and responsible. You can still do "anything" to get what you want. social status, reputation, position, and career are important to you. You can use these to impress and attract the object of your desires. When it comes to love, no silly game for you, you prefer a more mature approach to courtship. Glamour and dazzle are more your style - so an evening that begins with a limousine would be perfect. Should reliable, good quality in any relationship. Security, a good home, and the finer things in life are what they seek. Not avoid commitment, until it is the right person - in fact you "play for keeps" and will be forever faithful. Some may consider that a loner, but do not be fooled by the far Capricorn. You desire a deep and meaningful relationship with just the right partner. Capricorn can be so potent in the bedroom as they are in the boardroom, so lovers careful. Were viewed by peers as a "winner" and often attract the same. When it comes to romance, there are practical and a romantic getaway so perfect you could include both work and play.

© 2005 Taken from the book, Romance on a budget -