Saturday, June 30, 2012

10 things you should never say to a guy

Ladies, if you want to have a successful dating life, certain phrases should never leave your lips shiny. Here they are:

1. When will I see? You'll see him when you see it. If you want to see again, he'll call. If not, later. You have no time for anyone who has no time for you.

2. WHY 'did not you call? There is only one answer to this question: Why would not he! What you're really asking is: "Why do not you want to call me?" Who knows! There could be a lot of reasons, but should not be sitting around wondering why. It should be out dating lots of different guys and not worry about one guy. Do not be so quick to put all your eggs in one basket, because if they break, is a mess!

3. Where were you? If he wanted you to know where he was, he told her. What you are really asking is: "Where are you with another woman who you like better?" Your insecurity is showing, dear. If nothing else, should be wondering where they were.

4. I LOVE YOU (FIRST) - You're saying, in the hope that he will say back, but if he does not? You'll be devastated and probably feel foolish. Saying "I love you" is not going to speed things up, if he is not ready to say it again. So just cool, and talk him be the first to say that when it is ready.

5. You slept with her? Until he is in bed with her, who cares? The past is past. Do not torture yourself (and him) with these thoughts. In this case, ignorance really is bliss.

6. I am pregnant. In 2005, with all the choices available to birth control, there is no excuse for becoming pregnant, unless you want to be. You should be using something and he should use a condom every time.

7. Where is this going? Nowhere fast if that is your attitude. Guys want someone fun and easy to be with, not someone who is constantly worrying about the future. His actions or non actions will tell you where it is going. If this is going somewhere, you'll know. If not, will too.

8. We need to talk. This is the equivalent of "go the principal's office." I know you guys will not be 'a fun conversation, so it is already on the defense. If you need to discuss something, just casually bring it up when the two of you are relaxed. Do not try to talk to him when he is tired, stressed or trying to watch TV!

9. I hate you! Even if you do, is totally misplaced and not lady-like. If there is a problem, be mature enough to discuss it when you're calm. If you break up with you, reacting with anger may make you feel better temporarily, but it is better to remain calm and act impassively. He'll wonder why you're so cool about it and that may make him rethink his decision. Always be pleasant during a break up. Want to be known as the girl who goes psycho if someone breaks up with her? I do not think so.

10. I do not TRUST. What you are effectively saying, "You need to step up your game, because I can see six to something." If it is up to something, he'll just become even sneakier. Better to think smart and act dumb-it'll be easier to obtain the evidence required to confirm your suspicions.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Russian Brides - Who Are They?

In recent years, thousands of young Russian and Ukrainian women have come to the United States and European countries through marriage and have been labeled evil "Russian mail order brides." But who are these women, really? Why are willing to leave everything and go in an unknown country and live with a stranger? Can a Russian bride really be a good solution for a Western man? We will try to demystify the phenomenon of mail-order-brides.

Why Russian women want to marry foreigners?

There are thousands of dating services with young, beautiful Russian women seeking Western husbands. There are many women who may appear to all young women in Russia have decided to leave their country. This is just an illusion, though. Russia and Ukraine are very big countries with huge population, and women seeking husbands abroad represent less than 0.01% of all single Russian women.

The girls who place their ads with dating services, hoping to find a husband in the U.S. or Europe, have different reasons for doing so. The most common reason is that they have heard from friends and the media that Western men treat women better than Russian men do. They have heard that drinking is not a problem in these Western countries as Russia, and that men actually care for their families.

Thus, the common perception that mail order brides are looking for a better lifestyle is not right. In fact, they are looking for a better man than they can get in Russia or Ukraine. See more information on single Russian women seeking Western husbandsat

What makes Western men to find a Russian bride?

At first glance, might seem very strange that so many men are willing to spend thousands of people to bring a foreign wife in their country and fight with all the differences of language and culture. Would not it be easier to find a decent wife at home?

Western men have many reasons to look for Russian wives:

Some are fascinated by Russian culture and wants a partner who not only share this fascination, but actually be a part of this culture

Some are middle-aged men, who were unhappy in a previous report, but are willing to try again with a lady who is still young enough to bear children. As you know, in Western culture marriages with age differences of 5 years or more are not common, so if a man were 45-50, would be unlikely to find a partner under 40 years of age in your country .

And some are men who for one reason or another are not satisfied with the women in their country. Russian women are less materialistic, more traditional and women of their Western sisters, and this type of woman appeals to many men.

What is the success rate - can finding a wife from Russia can really work for a Western man?

It works for many men: there are thousands of Russian-Western couples that are very happy together. There are also unhappy, though, and the usual causes are: a woman can not adapt to life in a new country, both partners had unrealistic expectations before marriage, or can not work through their cultural differences, so Mutual understanding is never achieved.

While working with many Russian-Western couples I noticed a pattern, though: happily married men are usually those who were not looking for a 'Russian bride', but a partner for life. They also learned a lot about Russian culture and traditions and need a greater commitment to making their lady feel happy and welcome in its new home. If a man is willing to work with minor difficulties, starting a family with a Russian woman can be very rewarding.

If you are looking for a Russian lady that is very important to gather as much information as possible about her and her culture. You will find a useful free e-book "Russian Women Secrets", you can reach This book is a step-by-step guide to find a nice Russian woman who are interested in love and marriage.

Thursday, June 28, 2012


Disappointment. Much a part of life. Some are harder to tackle than others. Some are rehashed over and over and over again. Disappointment can strike when you least expect it. Do you feel disappointed, it makes you angry.

You can see in every aspect of life, relationships, career, hobbies, finances, efforts. Name and disappointment can come along and cast a very dark cloud.

Disappointment hung around every corner, waiting at each step, happily adrift with the clouds, the shadows lurking under a full moon, or gloss in the hot sun and driving, riding the waves of a lake, or spreading with the gentle breeze.

Sometimes, you may be setting disappointment to someone you love dearly. The worst disappointment is when you are at the source. But courage, you are not alone.On occasion, we feel we are all disappointed.

No matter how hard you try to stay positive, sometimes the power of a disappointment is overwhelming. A positive attitude helps to minimize the blow. Does not allow the disappointment of the heart and soul bag.

The disappointment is like a strong wind, sometimes destructive, but it blows away, even leaving a mess behind, some tidying to do and unpleasant memories that can linger for a while '.

On the material side

Disappointment on the material side of life is easy to restore. With clear resolve, resourcefulness, determination and luck, sometimes you can get your disappointment. You know you need to move forward and learn what you can from the episode.

The change is part of life, sometimes the disappointment can be an opportunity to accept the change and discover a different world with a different perspective, hopefully for the better.

Disappointment may leave a scar, a bitter memory. Coping with such, and kiss goodbye disappointment. Do not let you drag your spirit down, because if you leave it.

Above all, remember the lessons. There is no room for guilt or regret. Keep an open mind. Find the nuggets of wisdom can bring disappointment.

The difficulties and problems in this life are what build character, opportunities that strengthen the soul, spirit.

On the emotional side

Disappointment with emotional complications are more difficult to overcome. There is anger, there is insecurity. It raises questions, opens old wounds, make them fresh again, even if these wounds supposedly buried deep, very deep and most remote in your memory bank mass.

What can you do? They say, smile and bear it happen. For how long? Are you anticipating the next time? You only in case of capsizing and say, do it again?

Do not open the road to disappointment. Try not up for the disappointment. Do not hope for something unattainable that can lead to disappointment.

Sometimes, he feels the pain of disappointment, perhaps the source of it was long forgotten. So why torture yourself?

Disappointment is part of life, it will be, but you can let it go.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

How to repel the opposite sex

There is a war between the sexes. This war is based on a misunderstanding. The misconception is this:

Women think that men think like women.
Men think that women think like men.

A woman does this:

Prepare a meal of food she likes - bitter, lean, salady, light, and expects his date of such event;
Borrows a DVD romantic, with lots of tears;
* * Wears a perfume she likes;
Dresses to please his colleagues especially women;
company continues with the women, and act in solidarity with them;
Contracts secrets with other women, and thus feels entitled;
He has broad and deep feelings;
Deals with the feelings of those around her;
Abhors filth and disorder;
Rages and screams at the slightest thing, once a month;
Words mean whatever he feels at that moment;

A man does this:

Not too upset about food - likes heavy, sweet, boring grub;
Borrows an action or comic DVD, with no sob-stuff;
A quick wash under the armpits and are ready to go;
Dresses to intimidate other men;
Fortunately keep company with men, women, criminals, a dog, anything if you do not talk too much;
Trades mock punches, slaps on the back, cruel jokes, and a good laugh;
One mood all the time;
It is not too worried about the feelings of others unless he did something * really * bad;
Secretly enjoys living in his filth;
Last cried a few years ago, and did it in private;
Words mean as the dictionary defines them;

Now, how can these two distinct creatures ever together?

Simple. Everyone has to start thinking like the others, just a little '. Everyone has the search for the other fantasy world, and think again with the object of desire.

A good source of research is the magazine rack in your local supermarket. Men should look Women's' magazines, and vice versa. The men discover that women fantasize about men who are:

Muscle (as a swimmer, not a weight-lifter);
Fashionable clothes;
tight trousers;
Can discuss his feelings occasionally;
Yet there is a wet dish-cloth;

Women find that men fantasize about:


(Sorry, I could not resist this).

Men fantasize about women who are:

Good bust size;
Exotic (foreign);
top members;
A hint of underwear 'accidentally' revealed;
It could be just a little 'bad';
He laughs at his jokes;
Has a strong personality (extrovert, introvert, does not matter);

Women: Men may bed a hussy, but tend not to marry. They will not bring a cat or wild crazy neurotic parent.

For men, different physical types. Not all men prefer blondes. Beauty is a matter of proportions. You may think your nose / bottom / breasts are too big / small. Do not listen to your neuroses, or friends who are trying to subtly undermine you, or you are just to boost your confidence.

Take some pictures taken of yourself in tight clothes, put said photos in a drawer for a week, then look again.

Your immediate reaction is probably the correct one.

Understand that men are prey to a powerful compulsion. * Every woman can be attractive to a man * *. Just get in his way. Staying at home, keeping the same circle of friends, the same routine will not help. Go where there are men like you want. And look at them.

Gentlemen: You have to give the impression that you are confident, rich, powerful (and sensitive in private with her). If you do not have these qualities, their false. Women need to see the potential and the potential origin of the word is Latin potentia ', meaning power.

How will you know if a girl is interested in you? She gives you a second look. Try to smile. If you smile, you're in!

It 's a myth that women gain by men pursuing them. Women to assess men, and give great Gits 'the come on'. You just need the confidence to walk up and say hello.

If you can think of a joke, make one. If you can not, just smile. Say hello. Ask a pertinent question. Then listen to what he has to say. That if you like her, will be a game.

Finally: Do not think too much. We are attracted to a certain type, with which we can make a child better, stronger, healthier, smarter, better suited to its environment. Other just do not click with us, 'even if we can acknowledge intellectually they are attractive. It's heart, a gut thing, and shares lower. The head is limited its consent to a decision already made.

The shame is that you do not find your onely love, shame is in not making himself available for your fate, and giving all your life. Go!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Hold em or fold em?

As a great game of poker, knowing when to Hold 'Em "and when" Fold Em "is a great phenomenon to some of us. Our lives and loves are much like a poker game, you start with a pot and slowly over time the benefits or increase or decrease. The choice of Hold 'Em "or" Fold Em "is a choice that can not be made without analyzing the long-term effects.

Certainly, love is not a poker game, but the relationships, like any game of chance is a risk, if not initially take the risk / opportunity that you have missed out on some of the greatest feelings and experiences of your life. The course of a relationship is fairly standard to all, first time you meet, you experience the euphoria and excitement of the unknown, moving into discovering how this friendship all persons inside and what they are today Made Who. Then we moved to the realm of our inner being, and share everything about ourselves. Exposing our fantasies and deepest desires of our hearts left totally vulnerable. This exhibition is not without its rewards, you get closer together and shows great insight into life with this person. However, we must be acutely aware of this persons ideals and goals in life and how they relate to our own. What are you willing to compromise, give or share to create a lasting love relationship? Things to think ... ....

Like a game of high stakes poker, you have much to lose, maybe not physically, but emotionally there is a big price to pay if you lose the game. Being able to identify the obvious and act will protect your heart. Of course, we do not want to admit or believe that someone they love today and I will not be with us tomorrow, but it happens every day all over the world millions of people. Keep your eyes peeled, they are spending less time with you, the calls are less frequent, they do not seem too busy to do all the time, emails have stopped, spend more time with their friends about you. These are signs ... .. read! There might be an explanation for their behavior, not jumping to conclusions do not take the time to talk with them, discover what they are thinking, feeling and discern whether it is time to Hold Em "or" Fold Em ". If it is time to fold ", do so with dignity.

For you men, standing, be a respectable man and tells what is wrong and may or may not be fixed, not clam up on us, as women we need an explanation, SOME kind of reasoning for what happened to let go and move forward. Women, crying will make you feel better, but certainly change the way no one feels at the time and do not call them continually asking them to go back. As cliche 'as it seems "If you love something free, if your back is forever." Be honest about what went wrong and why it feels the need to move on. Great as it may seem, whatever the other person made mistakes with her and can not be made or corrected, if they are not aware of their actions.

Myself, I have a very strong personality and tends to be a little 'arrogant' and bearing at times, and had I not been told that I would continue to sabotage every relationship, trying to control everything on it. Now I know that I share that control and allow the man to be man, we share a life together and survive in a one has to let go "Me, me, me, mine" and look at things from a "we, us, ours is" point of view.

The downside, things happen at times of great strength that leads them away from you, once again the debate is the key. In this case, any problems or feelings may be clarified and we can solve any upcoming problems. Knowing that this has occurred can be resolved amicably between the parties, and the willingness to forgive and work to talk more and be more open telling you to Hold 'Em. "

No amount of words gives you the insight to make the decision to hold 'em "or" Fold Em ", that choice is by knowing what you want out of life and your relationships. Nobody can answer these questions for you, your task is to look inside the box and outside the box and choose whichever is best for you and your future. Never, never, walk before giving the possibility of a relationship, regret is the worst of all emotions, the will to live your life in "I Have, I, I Will" mode and not the "Coulda, woulda, Shoulda, "your life will be much richer and more rewarding in the end.

Distribute the cards ... dropping them as they could.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

A Recipe for Romance

So, tonight the night. Want to have a romantic evening with your Lady. What is this hesitation? OK your nervous, what if you can not pull this off? Well, help me! You walk through a full day romantic attachment to a queen. Your love, you feel so loved, you will be amazed with all the effort you put into this one day for her. Now, as explained in my book "The Ultimate Online Dating Handbook" you need to start planning this a few days in advance.

The day chosen to start with this romantic day: Once your love for the work that we will send an email when opening e-mail morning. Keep it very light. Say something like, "I miss you already, so I am making today your romantic day! All my love (you)." Now that you've done your love, very curious to see what you have up its sleeve.

Later, flowers were delivered to her workplace. Roses work best, but if too expensive to use carnations instead. A red and white rose mix says unity, true love, innocence. Or red and white carnations show admiration and pure love. Do you have any breath of the child threw to show happiness. Have made these right after lunch so the entire office will see how sweet her fella. Include a note saying "Just another part of the romantic day!" Trust me this will really make his day. And once you've raised your interest. While your talking to your florist order some rose petals. Are generally very inexpensive, and will be ready when you want to go.

Once the next part of the afternoon rolls around you will begin setting up for dinner. Waiting for this day to meet some romantic accessories. You'll need candles and candles. Placemats, a tablecloth, some silk flowers in a vase, you can add to the table. You will also need wine or champagne. Find yourself a tape / CD of romantic music. An old but goodie is an album by Barry White. For the dinner itself, you may be surprised to learn that in reality should not be exotic. What ever you are good at cooking is just find. A lot of times is the little jesters and atmosphere that makes the difference. So if the pasta is your thing, this is cool. Just dress up a bit '. Make a nice chef salad as an appetizer. Find a local bakery and pick up some fresh bread or biscuits. While you're there pick up something for dessert. And since most women loooove chocolate go with a kind of chocolate cake layer. Well ... really ... anything chocolate would be great!

Now that you have dinner under control and you are chilling the wine / champagne is time for you to make you ready. Need a shower, brush your teeth, splash on some large colonies, and find something really sexy to wear. This is where you're going to have some 'fun with your sweetheart. Find a pair of sexy underwear and only put on a robe over them. Now write a treasure of a note, say something like "Honey, I had a day I was tired and had to lie down, please come into the bedroom when you get home." Leave the note where you'll find not only comes into play now, remember those petals pink? Sprinkle on the floor leading to the bedroom, also put a little 'bed. It should be there in your most sexy pose when she opens the door.

Well, I think you can take it from there ;-)

Marie Clare

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Making the most passionate Passion

Somewhere between the first kiss and grow old together, many couples experience dormant growth phases during their report, leaving one, if not both partners with the need to contribute more, emotionally and / or physically.

The process of emotional growth is both independent and uncomfortable. Ideally to maintain and promote harmony, each partner must be willing to flex with the growth needs of others, contributing to the growth of the relationship.

A lasting relationship is based on compassion, respect and sincere love for your partner. These qualities can - and should - be frequently expressed in various ways, to reassert the value of the relationship. Continuously trying to reinvent the relationship by expressing appreciation for your partner will strengthen the bond between you.

To move your relationship out of the proverbial emotional drought, here is a list of suggestions for adding more passion in your relationship:

1. Reality Check your partner. Before you do anything to promote the report, ask yourself if your partner is good for you, and why. Knowing the basic answers like the palm of your hand. If you are unable or unwilling to admit the value in your partner, you may be wrong in the relationship.

2. Recognizing the uniqueness of the relationship with your partner. There is a possibility at any time to try the biggest point of your relationship. Showing appreciation for the uniqueness of your partner to further define the relationship based on attraction wider. Communicating the recognition of the individuality of your partner frequently, both emotionally and physically.

3. Make love right now. Allow the sexual aspect of your relationship to evolve into an activity of ultimate fulfillment, but only for your partner. Instead of making love to your satisfaction, making love to your partner and allow them to do the same for you.

4. Be friends, too. Want to be friends with your partner outside the relationship? If you find the answer is 'no', do not worry - there's always time to make new friends. activities to identify you and your partner can do and enjoy together. Participate in a third party, such as the work of charity. Activities extend beyond privacy, and then strengthen the foundations of your relationship.

5. Be what you see. Demand no more of your partner what you are willing to make you life. Are you capable of great things - and you - then get to work. Be sure to test all the requirements seemingly realistic about themselves, before trying to ask them of your partner.

6. Form a pact to achieve excellence in some way. Whether it's a system of physical health, a bowling tournament, doing taxes, or operating a business together, forming a pact to achieve excellence in a specific, tangible will build trust between partners. Commitment to a short-term goal is the best year of a relationship can get.

7. Love with all my heart. All too often, past relationships keep us from loving with all my heart. If the relationship is solid reality check, ask yourself how you holding your partner, and why. You expect criticism, instead of acceptance? Recognize the boundaries of your love and find positive ways to expand their everyday lives.

8. Improve themselves improves the relationship. Self-enrichment is an effective, important way of perpetual contribution to your relationship. Expand knowledge and interests will keep conversations interesting and generate new ideas to grow together, through new activities and experiences shared between partners.

Remember, there's nothing wrong with taking care of you. The more you have to give, the more we will share with significant others.

9. Explore the diversity of faith, culture or politics. Diversity - and acceptance - serve as a cornerstone of any compliance, long-term relationship. Your partner is likely to embrace at least some points of view other than their own with regard to religion, culture or political affiliation. Look for exploring the diversity of your partner, and openly accept the differences that make you unique.

10. Do not go to bed angry. Make it a point to resolve differences before going to bed. Allow arguments or heated discussions during the night to solidify emotions can rot, leaving the real problems behind. In addition to promoting communication and the stability of relations, addressing differences before sleep reduces stress and promotes better sleep.

A significant relationship satisfaction is perhaps the greatest investment you can make is in yourself and your partner. As your relationship grows, seeks new ways to interact with each other as you have not before. Every human being is a vast universe of knowledge and excitement awaiting exploration of an individual with constant desire, patience and ability to meet them.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Expectations can reduce daily frustrations

Just today my partner Russ and I sat down to a hash frustration annoying. It took a little 'joking back and forth [not without some rise in emotional tension that let you know] until we get to the heart of the problem.

Unmet expectations!
Stop and look back the last time you were frustrated with your life or business partner. Chances are it was because he / she has not met your expectations.

Expectations ...
-Leave the toilet seat up or down
-Make the bed
-The Meeting at the restaurant in time
-And so on.

These expectations may be small or large, simple or complex, irrelevant or absurd, the point is that somewhere in your head you were expecting something different to happen what happened.

So, most every time to find your frustration level rising is because your partner has acted contrary to a myriad of your expectations. Now that you've become more or re-cognition of this thing you can do about it ... Furthermore, hoot and shout?

The first step is to identify what the expectation is
For example: My husband is expected to arrive at least 15 minutes early to meetings where we have speakers, as he likes to greet participants and take our position behind the podium in a timely manner. When for some reason I caught talking to someone outside gets upset.

Now, before we had a dialogue about this and how important it is for him I had no idea. The same is true as he and I squeeze the toothpaste!

What are your expectations with your partner for life ...
-Remove the [garbage and when it does, every day or only when it stinks to high heaven?]
Be intimate
-Education of children
-As the oil changed
-Balancing the checkbook
-Hanging out with members of the opposite sex

And with your business partners what are your expectations of ...
-The time and effort spread
Take-free time
-Do you work or enjoy a large
And the list goes on.

Once you have identified which are expected to be trampled in address with your [partner when emotions are] check and find out what your expectations are about the same problem. Sometimes you will find that your partner does not care and make your way easily, and sometimes the opposite is the expectations [as] the proverbial toothpaste squeezing scenario. If this is the case, you have some work to do.

Where do our expectations?
Our expectations are usually generated during our childhood. I recall when our daughter was about five years and she came home from a visit to our neighbors rather concerned and said "Mummy and Daddy are mad by Jason and his dad went. Moms and dads should be together." The His expectation was [and still is now that she is 26 and] that married couples work it out.

Take a moment to reflect on some of your expectations, you might just laugh where some of their provenance. As for the ham ...

Mother is teaching her daughter how to cook the ham for a holiday dinner. "Mommy, why cut ends of the ham before putting it in the pot?" Mother stops to think for a moment then says: "Because that is what my grandmother did." Luckily my grandmother is visiting and is sitting in the front room reading with her grandson five years of age. "Grandmother, why cut the ends off the ham?" Grandma smiles and says, "Why child, because your mother was young when the pan was too small."

Choose your battles
A second prediction is recommended to grant so that in another area, your partner will agree to your preferences. Determine which expectations are most important to you and that are most important for your partner. Be prepared for some give and take.

Find a better way.
When the expectations are in conflict, it is often better to sit and look at what is best for your situation or relationship. Who takes out the trash can vary depending on work schedule and availability. When to take out the trash may be driven by health concerns. When individual expectations clash the fastest way to resolve the concern is to create a whole new expectation that suits you and your life or business partners better.

If you're a workaholic working 16 hours a day and your partner puts in eight hours needed to look at what your business needs and set the expectations line up with your business plan and objectives.

In a society, life or work, remember that your expectations may need to realign so that work for the good of the relationship.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Journaling for Two, Couples Magazines

Diary or keep a diary are powerful tools that can improve our lives and sustain our prosperity. You can also add to our relationships at home, work and play. When we journal we are recording a reflection on our feelings and experiences. When we share with those closest to us, learn more about ourselves and others.

You can start a magazine just for you and your partner to write, daily or weekly, whatever you both agree.

Magazines couples -

Keep a diary pairs with your partner can be an exciting and fun way to communicate and learn more about each other. Get a White Paper and the place that was accessible to both on a daily basis. Keep a pen with your newspaper. You can use the same pen color or each have a different color pen to use. You can also designate the colors of pens for certain feelings, for example, green = growth, blue = sadness, joy = orange, red = anger - you get the idea. If you use different color pens, writing in front of your newspaper that both have decided what each color means.

There are two ways to use your diary couples. You can use one side of the book, the page left or right of the page, adding the date when the journal. Or you can journal after another on the same pages.

Will need to discuss what is personally and collectively want to achieve through the use of your diary couples. Whatever it is you want to achieve, what your goals and intentions are, write that in front of your diary. Keep in mind that what you can achieve change, and if it does change, a newspaper that change each other.

If there is a problem or concern in the report, you should start journaling there. You can also use newspaper a couple of telling the other every day how much you love and why. You can journal your dreams and hopes for the future, your children, the other the world. Or combine any of these ideas with your ideas. You have a blank palette, so the space of what is most important to you and your relationship.

You can also add photos, poetry, Fortune Cookie fortunes, even magazine clippings to your newspaper.

If you have lost an important relationship with death or some other change you can journal your thoughts and feelings to this person the same way. This can be a very effective way to move through loss, touching those fears and feelings that are still inside.

However you decide to use diary of the couple, be sure to log the love and joy, along with the rest of your feelings. A tip - If you are taking the time to write to each other, keep clear what is fact and what are your feelings.

You can also review with friends and colleagues using the same ideas.

Copyright Doreen Clement All rights reserved

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Relationship Tests Galore! How successful? Which is for me?

Almost every match making site and relationship ezine offers relationship or personality tests of some kind.

These are all good?

What we really measure?

What is right for me?

Like most queries I went to the Web for answers, but to my surprise even my favorite article sites came up empty. There are no items of value or benefits of a myriad of tests. So I reached back to my previous life as a psychotherapist and dusted off my file mental evaluation.

First, a distinction between [personality tests or assessments are more technically known as] the common tests and report online. The former are sometimes associated with clinical assessment for diagnosis, which is helping professionals in the treatment of mental or behavioral problems. Where the most common Myers-Briggs, Enneagram and the evidence disk are used primarily for personal understanding and to improve communication between people. These assessments have widespread use and when applied well can have a significant impact on how people work together in both business and personal relationships. However, these tend to be expensive, long and hard.

Then there is the evidence today, that ratio had more answers for everything involving your family dog with your choice and your favorite companion in the desert with your social behavior, and so on. How accurate are they? I do not know, but the value of them as I see it is this.

Imagine for a moment you and your partner arrive in a foreign country. Neither the language is spoken, a loaf of bread costs 35 pesos [you have no idea how this translates into your] money and the public toilet and the wall, each wall. Getting from the airport to your hotel is important adventure and lasts 2 hours in a small open-air vehicle with three wheels. The point is that you are out of your comfort zone you can not communicate and even the simplest task becomes difficult.

We spend much of our time in the reports as being in a foreign country, groping not always communicate well and hopelessly lost at times. Relationship tests, at least the good ones, can provide that common language, the ability to communicate and long in the environment.

Let me explain with an example really funny:

We used [back in the day of the test paper and pencil] What we call awareness tools to help people understand themselves in relationship and better. Here's the story: Chris a financial adviser who heads a team pretty impressive staff was asked by his manager to have his entire team profile. That is, each was to take our instruments with the aim of raising awareness to be increased productivity due to better communication. Anyway, Chris did this reluctantly writing "this is a bunch of ...." On its 'book test.' Later, during our consultation to discuss the results with his team Jon, the salesperson very smart, he laughs: "This profile is right, you saw me bust that pencil." Yes, Chris was thoroughly hooked, just like the hot head and his whole team knew it. The good thing is that Chris knew and understood this has freed them up to face reality and use their own language newly discovered''afforded them by the tools of knowledge to communicate effectively with each other.

This was in the past now everything is done [on-line our instruments included] and the results are instant so none of us has an excuse. No, none of us has an excuse not to find that 'common language' through a report or evidence of many.

Wendy and Chris [name], other fella in the early stages of their life together had a ratio test to help them understand their hopes and dreams and core values that guided them. It 'been eye-opening experience that has become aware of their differences, but also find common elements in their dreams before unexpressed. The result: a clear direction, purpose of life and probably more valuable than ~ obstinate determination to succeed.

So the next time you get an invitation to take a test on your inbox or you find one on a website, be bold, take it and get your partner to take it and watch what happens.

Remember, life is short and relationships should be fun!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Grand Manipulator

Let's face it ... some women can be ruthless. There are some women in the world men simply do not want to be confused with. I call these women "great manipulator" because it will use every trick you can think of to get to do what they want when they want and how they want.

I once knew a woman who was the epitome of manipulation. His view was that men were a necessary evil to get things of life she wanted. Would use, abuse, and then kicked to the curb once they had fulfilled their purpose.

At the beginning of the relationship seemed to always be sweet, caring, woman feeding men chose as his prey. Once he got what he wanted from them had turned into a witch of a woman screaming in order to drive the man away from her.

For example, once decided that he needed a new car, but was not willing to pay the bill for her. Not that they could afford, because could. Had a job and earn a salary very well ... good enough that he could afford to put 40% of each paycheck of his savings in retirement. But it was unthinkable for her temporarily lower the percentage put away to pay for one car.

He found a man as his vulnerable prey. It 'was truly amazing as the man drew in his life and his bed. Has implemented its best for him. It was all sweetness, smiles, and honey. Once I had "hooked", so to speak, began to play by his sympathies often complain of her worn old car and how she simply could not afford to replace it because there is no room in my budget for expenses such .

He played the game well and knew only that the buttons to press and when with this man. Eventually, after promising to marry him, his poor guy bought a car and put it in his name. Bingo! He got what he always wanted one and ten days after it was suddenly broken with him, leaving him bewildered by what he had done wrong.

In fact, his only fault was to believe in her and falling for his maneuver. I felt sorry for the poor boy because he did not even see it coming.

There are ways a man can use to distinguish "great manipulator" from the good girls who just want to be loved and nothing more. There are signs to look for and signs from the beginning of every dating relationship that tell a man if she is the "right kind of girl.

If immediately after the meeting with a woman begins to tell sob stories about her poor, pathetic life that could be an indication that May be looking to her to rescue her somehow. And 'natural instinct of a man to jump and be the' hero '. But do not offer to help too quickly because they can become the victim of another reckless "great manipulator yourself."

Copyright 2005 Deborah Willis All Rights Reserved

Monday, June 18, 2012

Learn to listen - Three ways Relationship Benefits

We always hear about communication is the key to a relationship. If we are always talking and not listening, then communication becomes meaningless.

It is not easy to hear what someone else is saying, especially when our feelings, thoughts and opinions are different. Here are three reasons why learning to listen to benefit our relationship.

1. Shows Respect - When a discussion, listening to the person who shows respect for what they are saying. Although we disagree with what is said, we still need to respect their thoughts and feelings.

2. It helps us to understand - It 's hard to understand what someone is trying to tell us if we are not listening. Preview helps to understand why someone feels a certain way. Once we realized we move forward with the situation and take appropriate action.

3. It helps to be accessible - In relationships, it is important for someone to feel they can talk to us all. Learning to listen to others can help you feel comfortable approaching us every time they have to or want to discuss something. There are likely to have a more open and healthy if we are accessible.

We want others to respect, understand and be accessible to us right? Work to learn to listen and watch your relationship grow in a positive way.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Who should move a long distance relationship?

My Dear Lover,

Sooner or later, you and your beloved will have to take the decision of who should move, because it is very difficult to live apart.

Shift will change your life drastically, you must have loved you and really want from life, you need to communicate, communicate and communicate until you get a very clear understanding about your expectations, your future.

Here are some questions to help you make the decision. You will have to "abandon" your pet? Your love who loved cats, dogs, birds, etc. at home?

Some of you have children? As is well accepted to live together, now as a new family? There are good schools for them in the new place? They like the new place? What about their friends, they accept being apart? May maintain their current activities, such as sports, etc. in the new place?

You are moving away from your family? If you are a type of person who is very close to your family will be very hard not to. stay with them so often. Maybe your parents are old and need your help. You have the right to build your life, your happiness, your love, but I think it is not fair to leave your parents alone most of the time when they most need your help. And if you already have children may live far from their royal family? They are willing to have a new family?

If you are divorced and your ex lives near you, will he accept your new mate? After all that comes from "nowhere", and almost overnight, he is already living with you.Of course you can not leave your ex is the main reason to live your life when you want, and with whomever you want, but if your ex is a type of person who does not agree to have a new partner, you must be prepared for this.

You can live in the new area, possibly for the rest of your life? Like the time? Culture? If you love urban and move to a rural area, you can live with that, or you miss the city life too? If you are a type of person who can adapt very easily to new environments, this is not a problem at all, but if they are not, and decide to move, you will need all the help, understanding and support from your beloved, for more "difficult" stages, be aware that he knows it. Are you sure you know the new area, or you've been there before, just for a couple of weeks holiday romance? Try to know better the new area, if you can spend more time there or not. only when both are on vacation, before moving forever.

God forgive me, but if things do not go well with you and you decide you should conclude the report, after you move, you return to your old home, or who live in the new area? You can live there without the support of family and old friends? It will be a very difficult time for you.

Well, with all these problems, you may seem, this is a very difficult decision to make.It is a big decision that will change your life forever, it must be very clear about your Expectations.

But my most important advice for you is to listen to your heart. True love is so precious and can overcome any difficulty.

Do not measure the distance, measure the Love, Maria Madeira.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

How to have a conversation with a successful woman!

To have a conversation with a successful woman must know what to say and what not to say. Once you've mastered this, your actions or words will never be misinterpreted again.

So why are you talking about the beauty sitting beside you? Perhaps you want a report, a One Night Stand, or just good old "Hot Sex". Well, whatever the reason is that you will use the conversation as a way to approach her. To establish an intimate relationship with her. As explained in my book "The Ultimate Online Dating Handbook" a woman in general to evaluate a report on how well you are referring to a person. This means, as we interact with you and make you feel like himself. And if you want to see it again, it is important for you to get along with her. Talk to her about her likes, her dislikes, her questions, answer your questions and offer your opinions. This will feel like you think she is special enough to launch a real honest conversation with her kindness, and not just playing her. This will feel closer to you. The main objective of this first interview is to build the foundations for a possible relationship with this woman. To become personally involved with her, build her trust in you and get bits of information on her screen.

OK, so what are you looking for information? Have a relationship with this woman will totally depend on whether or not you can get this information. Success or failure here will determine if ever see her again. If you are interested in her and think that you would like to see you make your priority to obtain the following ...

# 1 - His name
When you go to a woman introducing herself to ask her name. So be sure to use your name in the next sentence or two. This will show her you paid attention, and you are interested in her. It will also help yout remember his name, and make sure you heard right.

# 2 - a common denominator
Find a way the two of you can be connected. By this I mean that both have something in common. It could be a mutual friend, the drink itself, something about your surrounding, same brand of watches, nothing that could connect the two of you together. Use this common denominator to relate to her and help her to form a trust in you.

# 3 - Your phone number
This can be a bit 'harder, but before the conversation ends you must ensure that half to get in touch with her. A phone number or an e-mail. Although she took her phone number that you still want to get her well. Be direct when asking for this information. Tell her you'd like to see her take her out. Use simple language and straight forward, eye contact and tell her you like her again.

Let's go back to basics. The fact is that men and women think and speak differently. Men think and talk about the facts. Women think and talk feelings. So if you want to talk successfully to a woman you need to express emotions, telling her how he feels. Generally men are not too good at this. Therefore, the first thing to do in your conversation with her is to listen. Yes, listen. Listen and relate to their conversation. Ask questions about what he is saying. Share your personal experiences to create an intimate bond. Too often people to ramble on about other things leaving the woman feeling bored and ignored. When a man really listens, pays attention to what she is saying and participates in her conversation, you will feel that this man is truly interested in her for her. This will feel really good about yourself. Women are not interested in a guy who only talks about himself, what prank he and his friends pulled. Also has no interest in someone who is just trying to make it to bed. Now, while this maybe your ultimate goal, you should play it cool with any woman until she feels comfortable with you.

In your conversation with the woman he realizes to make sure you're paying attention to her. Use some verbal comments like "uh-huh," "Oh yeah" "Oh, really" or "That's right." Once you feel that you are trying to understand it and want to know her better, she'll be more relaxed with you. How about being careful. Ask questions like "What? How?. But ever wonder why? In this way, put on the defensive. Get some information on her back to earth as you join the conversation. We have grown up in this city / town? Where did she go to school? Did she move here? What brought you here? Show an interest and join the conversation. It is certainly his shot.

Good luck!
Marie Clare

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Releasing Relationship Pain

Often when a relationship ends there are things left unsaid and questions left unanswered. Through the use of this technique can solve these problems and to let go and let go of the past. This technique can also be used with those who are now deceased.

Sit-in a quiet space where you will not be disturbed. Ideally have an empty chair or seat in front of you. Close your eyes for a moment and take a few deep breaths and allow yourself to relax and unwind.

When you open your eyes to imagine that you can see the person with whom such things are not seated in front of you. All you have to do is pretend that there are, so if you think of problems displaying only pretend.

Tell the person whatever is on your mind, everything you want to release. If there is a situation you want to solve, for example, the breakdown of a relationship then talk about this.

When you are done can be a useful response from them. If so then go and sit on the other chair and pretend you're them reply back. Keep your mind focused on what was said when you run and allow the response to flow. Remember that if you consciously say what you want to hear rather than what it really feels just to deceive yourself, nobody else.

When they finished speaking, sit on the original chair.

Keep the conversation from taking the chair to chair person's personality when in their chair until the conversation comes to an end. Then return to your original chair and thank them for their time before going about your business.

This technique is incredibly useful to let go of the pain, guilt and evil of every kind of relationship, not just romantic relationships. Often when you do this technique you will be surprised by the responses you get from the other person.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Your Beloved Soldier Is Coming Home Now What?

Laura anxiously anticipates the return of her husband Dan. What will it be like and what should he do? After all, he is not returning from a successful business trip or weekend golf. He returned from war. He had to organize a romantic just-for-the-two-of-us event or a family reunion? This is the experience of returning home before their marriage young. It 'been over a year since Dan left. Little Maja was born three months ago and Dan has yet to meet his new baby girl. Laura, once timid, dependent and overweight women became self-sufficient and confident. He joined the gym, lost weight and signed up for computer classes. Although Laura had lost terribly Dan is suitable for military wife. They had kept each other updated via e-mail and phone calls. Dan will be surprised to discover what has changed since he left.

How can you face the challenges of homecoming? Relax and accept that homecoming can be difficult. To prepare for the big day, put your needs aside and help your spouse reconnect with the life he or she left behind. The real challenge is life after deployment. Historically those fighting in combat have a much greater likelihood of relationship break-ups than the civilian counter-parts. Depending on how the devastating experience of war was, the soldier may not be the same person you saw off. Your spouse may have witnesses, including children or comrades die. He or she may have been forced to kill in the line of duty! While the soldier may not share all these experiences with you, listen with empathy if he or she. Even if your life has been clouded by fear during deployment, do not compete for the heart more wounded. After the big homecoming, may be anxious to get on with life as a couple, but find themselves at different times. Returning from a country at war, daily life can seem trivial now to your spouse. He or she may suffer from post-war trauma or guilt.

Here are the two of you trying to pick up where you left off. This is the critical point where military couples set the stage for a fault or spiral deeper love. How do you prevent your relationship to become a divorce statistic? Simply be what people in exceptional relationships are: Fit 2 Love! Do what people in exceptional relationships do: to become better every day! Following the three principles of being fit to love: mutual respect, moral responsibility and authenticity you can transform your relationship into a solid anchor. That's what these principles:

Mutual respect: Exercise true mutual respect instead of respect in itself. In real terms this means that your partner is as important as you. Respect how your soldier back home feel. He or she has gone through a phase that changes your life serving, an experience you two did not share. Cherish the new person emerged. Accept his altered perspective on life and being open to learn from it.

Moral responsibility: You are always morally responsible for your partner. Everything we think, say or do not affect your partner. Sometimes you even have to think of your first partner. Yes, you are responsible for each other's welfare. Be kind, loving and sympathetic. Allow time to heal wounds. Be sensitive and encouraging when you help your partner get on with life. Your task is to be an anchor.

Authenticity: You! And create the best of you. Best for another. Be honest about your feelings, but do not blame each other if your relationship is undergoing change. Could also be a change for the better. Depending on how you react, crises like these are often the kick-start for more authentic and more solid relationships. Take your cue from your heart, why not betray you.

Think about when you commit wholeheartedly to your partner. You undertake to respect and be morally responsible for the other? You have committed to be the best that could be the other? Sure you did and now you can do all that and do it better. While returning home your soldier will surely fill your heart with joy, after the months can be very stressful.

Here are some tips to make love stronger military
• Do not be anxious to return to daily life
· Leave for readjustment
· Become aware of new
· Respect the different person he or she may have been
• Do not try to recover lost time
Children 'that things can be different
• Do not have unrealistic expectations
· Talk to each other openly and listen with empathy
• Do not be surprised if your sex life is uncomfortable at first
• If you have children is open and reassuring
· Spend quality time with your partner and as a family
• Do not be monitoring or manipulation
· Learn to make decisions together again
· Keep the faith, you need more than ever.

© 2005 Allie Ochs

Monday, June 11, 2012

Love without getting lost!

Are you in love and this time is different. Are you willing to do anything to make it last. To prevent this ship from sinking you work hard to steer this relationship into a safe haven. In the process you lose yourself and your romantic relationship becomes all-consuming!

Kyra fell head-over-heels for Dan and went his way to create a wonderful relationship. He found himself at hockey games, at parties with friends and family holidays. At home, things were very different. Kyra cooked meals favorite, kept the house as he wanted and listened to the music of his choice. On the advice of Dan, she cut her hair short, wore less make-up and a closet conservative. For Dan, this relationship was perfect. He has adapted his lifestyle, defended his ideas and even started talking like him. Kyra's friends witnessed her change from a lively and happy woman to a subdued and pleasing personality. This relationship had sucked the life Kyra but was the last to notice.

While compromise is necessary in a relationship, denying the heart of who you are is not. When he finally realizes that a relationship of all consumers is depleting you, there will be nothing but resentment. It will be difficult to recover themselves while remaining in that relationship. The result of this relationship is usually a harrowing crisis, but anyone is to blame.

The opposite of a report of all consumers in the middle of a relationship. In this relationship one or both withhold affection until the evidence is that the other is engaged. I love you, if you love me first has become a common trend. Fearing that will give you more love than you receive, you put your partner on probation. You judge according to your expectations and keep track of his scores. The higher the score, the more you are willing to love. This view creates tremendous emotional insecurity conditional.

All reports are long and lazy unhealthy and both types are driven by fear. In an all-consuming relationship, fear of not being loved is the driving force. In a report without enthusiasm, fear of being hurt prevents you from knocking down protective walls.To I love you with all your heart, without losing perspective requires a very different relationship. Although we know that relationships require work, basically you cling to a sweet illusion that meeting the right person is all it takes. It will then take off your magic carpet ride. Think again! Soon that magic rug will be pulled from under you.

If you long for a partner who is behind you with all your heart, ask yourself, are you the same partner? You'll get what it seeks in your relationship? Ironically, many lack the qualities to seek in their partners. Listen to your heart and when you feel good, I feel the fear and love anyway. Love without hesitation and with all your heart. Do not let your fear of rejection or getting hurt kill your desires or steal your dreams. Could be looked at in the face of love before. Maybe he "pulled out." Next time, do not be a chicken!

Love is choice and if you choose with all your heart, you are never going to lose. Love teaches you to become a better human being. Restore your faith in love and become emotionally available to others. Put your fears and your past behind you. Be sweet to be love. Learning to trust, trusting only. Here's the number one reason to get lost in a relationship: Your belief that the love is something that one deserves it or not! This false belief leads you to do almost anything to get love and even more to keep on it:

· To change your identity to gain approval from their partners.
· You withhold intimacy to protect themselves.
· You need to manipulate your partner.

If you can believe that there is nothing you have to be or do to earn love, you agree that:

· You can be loved even if they are not perfect
· You can be loved while keeping the lifetime
· You can be loved without getting lost in love

Love is the most powerful human lesson you will ever learn. This is a purposeful interdependence through which you become much more than on your own. Love is not something to find, but is in you to share. Do not turn your back on love every time you touch it, because when you give love give it to yourself.

© 2005 Allie Ochs

Saturday, June 9, 2012

You Fit To Love?

It is the most important question you ever ask. Let's face it, our relationships are extremely important. Yet, they are often the cause of pain and struggle. single standard or not, society convinces us that we can have it all. Much of the consultancy report available requires us to go after all we want. Unfortunately, for many it is not running. Climbing divorce rates and more singles seeking love are proof that our attitudes are counterproductive.

Our expectations have become highly realistic. Rarely looks in the mirror and ask: are in the form of love? Today relationships fail because of deterioration of character. And 'now we've made a point of building successful long term relationships based on the strength of our characters, instead of clever-minded relationship strategies.

Great relationships require great characters. We simply must become better people for each other. Become suitable for love is a strong wake-up call for the bravest. Will greatly improve our relationships or our chances of finding love.
The happiest people are those in exceptional relationships. Are heavily invested in their most important asset: their relationship and have an abundance of life precious commodity: love. All have one thing in common: they are fit to love. At the heart of all exceptional relationships are three universal principles: mutual respect, moral responsibility and authenticity, and here is what it means:

Mutual Respect: Your partner is as important as you.

Our partner's hopes and dreams are as important as ours. This principle requires us to think of our partners as our equals. Since our generation has made history as ambassadors of our "I" before society, we are more interested in getting what we want. For Bill, everything revolves around golf. Runs every weekend at the golf course while his wife Jane, takes care of their two young children. extra money from their already tight budget is spent on Bill's hobby. Stuck in a house with small children, Jane has little freedom to do or buy something special. Despite Jane's complaints Bill seems completely detached from the fact that he is disrespectful.

relationship conflicts arise because of different perspectives. Lovers discuss who is right, instead solving the issue in their mutual best interest. The struggle over unresolved issues leads to resentment even when there is love. Love and respect take a backseat and the relationship deteriorates. This dangerous game is the reason why many relationships fail when they should not. Instead of trying to change the other or putting our needs first, we must realize that our partner is equally important. Hold in our partner's beliefs we show that we respect our partners. If the conflict and we can not agree, we should simply agree to disagree and continue to speak with respect. Without mutual respect, can not create love relationships.

Moral responsibility: You are always morally responsible for
those with whom we have.

We live in a society that elevates the self above all else. We seek self-fulfillment at any cost, even at the cost of others. Regardless of how many times have we heard that we are not responsible for the happiness of our partners, we are still responsible for his welfare. Love is a moral responsibility to another person. We blame our partners if things do not work without looking in the mirror to see our own faults. Yet, everything we think, say or do affects those we love.

Jennifer had lunch with her friend Sally at a local restaurant. Jennifer could barley wait to share information about his relationship with this young stallion. Sally listened in awe as Jennifer blamed the so-called inattentive husband, Paul. It 'was a strange twist of fate that Paul sat behind the flower-decorated lattice wall listening to every word his wife said. From here on life took a different turn. Jennifer had deceived her husband Paul and has lost the respect of Sally. This is a high price to pay for moments of sex.

In our search for better relations, we must make our relationship a priority. We must concentrate on our relationship not elsewhere.

Authenticity: True love happens only when they are real

Have you ever found out laughing simply because everyone else did? Agreed with the opinion of the partner even if they disagree or say "I love you" when you do not say. Did you ever do something inconsistent with your true self just to please someone or to get what you wanted? Of course we all have. We have lost the courage to be real!

For many there is quite a gap between the inside and the person who presents to the world. How about Toni, the dad who rents a Porsche to impress his date, despite being delinquent in support of children. Debby spends every Sunday at Grant's parents but resents it. To keep peace, she refrains from claiming some of these Sundays on her terms.

To be validated we often compromise. Conditioned by our environment we have become the products of the culture in which we live does not matter how good we are playing roles eventually our truth emerges. Being fit to love means being real. When we are authentic our relationships become real and we never have to doubt themselves.

Regardless of the state of our relations, without success, or as we tried to find the love that we have the power to radically change today. Mutual respect, moral responsibility and authenticity are key to the exceptional relations. People exceptional relationships are fit to love and in the process of reap some profound rewards:

· They live a much happier
· They deal much better with stress
· They have better sex more often
· They laugh more often and have more fun
· They are healthier and live longer
· I'm more optimistic
· They feel more secure and stable

No wonder that envy these people. In times like these, spiced with enormous uncertainty their relationships are as solid as rock anchors. Mahatma Gandhi said: "A coward is incapable of exhibiting love, it is the prerogative of the brave." We must be brave!

© 2005 Allie Ochs

Friday, June 8, 2012

Get the most out of a romantic relationship

You can make your relationship better. Some basic guidelines to make your relationship more enjoyable and more profitable for both parties.

A romantic relationship has important benefits: companionship, being inspired by someone else's example and encouragement from another person's ideas. Please note that these benefits are and which are important.

Do not use a relationship as a way to solve your problems. Dating and marriage are not the ways to overcome unhappiness, escape from boredom, and improve its image. You must do those things for yourself. Using a relationship for those reasons puts burden on the relationship that make it less pleasant and less rewarding.

Your must be tolerant. A relationship is a place for honesty and openness. These principles allow a couple to share ideas and to change gradually so as to make them more like living. Your attitude should signal the other person will try to patiently work through their weaknesses. If this is too much effort, decide that separation is better and graciouly society without the bitterness.

Romance and love will be more likely to happen if you allow them to happen instead of making them a target. Make the relationship better should be the goal. Be careful to treat each other fairly and helping each other. If love happens, will be based on the belief that both can continue to build a good relationship.

Do not expect a perfect relationship. This only happens in fairy tales. If you expect too much, it makes your relationship less valuable than. The problems occur. You will get hurt. Do not be so concerned with minor problems that free awareness of what is good in the report. Where appropriate, the advice offered no threat of disapproval. You want to develop a spirit of mutual benefit.

Mutual respect attitude about physical affection. Be patient. Your partner is not a mind reader and may not be aware of the problem. If something about the physical part of the report is a big problem for you, let your concerns be known. Being aware of a problem is the first step to solving a problem. Anxiety about a problem can be reduced simply by knowing the other person is aware of the problem.

Take time for mutual interests. This can be in many ways, including hobbies, conversation, recreation, an interest in art and family activities. mutual interests to keep a couple in each other gradually becoming uninvolved lives.

Encourage your partner to act and make decisions. Both will be able to accomplish more with other support and encouragement. When there is a disagreement, do not automatically think that you must fix the other person. Your encouragement will produce results that will be your best objections.

Thursday, June 7, 2012


That what we really want ...

One thing you want ...

My guess is that you want so badly crave it - hunger is.

And if you got it, all my life will light the sky during a fireworks display. The fact is that we do not really want to know - this is done, but I do not know until you do, and until you understand it, you'll just notice a very large void in your life. Let me explain.

One thing we all love, above almost all else, is the admiration and appreciation of our parents, partners and colleagues. To do something and say, 'well done' or 'I'm proud of you' or 'I respect you for making a great effort' means just as much. But how do you get?

Easy ... the damage.

Give what you want, you often get what they want. Here I'm going to tell a story of my clients told me after a coaching session on giving appreciation.

"Each, in turn, five of us, we all said what we thought, actually speak from the heart.

I watched my mother, the person getting all the attention, sitting two seats away from me at the dining table, tears in her eyes and her chin quivering slightly.

I then realized that he had been too long since he heard a decent, heartfelt compliment. 'I appreciate the way you put out,' I said. 'I appreciate as always make me feel welcome,' said my girlfriend. 'I appreciate the way you're always there,' my father said. And then it was the turn of his grandchildren.

His ten years Grandson said, 'I appreciate your sandwich' and her four year old daughter chirped up. 'I like your hair.'

From that day we decided to have an evaluation session on every birthday, every Father's Day and Mother's Day too. And I must say that these events have really taken on a new meaning and more special.

On my birthday I could not wait to hear all the beautiful things people thought of me. And silly as this may sound I would rather present their compliments - even if the gifts were really nice too! But here is something that I found it really powerful. Compliments are like fairy dust - magic! "

What a great story. Sprinkle that fairy dust on the road and watch the magic in your world. People smile at you, people compliment you back. Some look at you, lost: the grumpy cashier at the bank and the family could not have complimented complimented.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

How to keep in Love with You

It is the saddest thing to hear a man who has lost treasure of his heart. The hardest part is when I do not know why, and I feel more often than you might imagine.

The plaintive, "But I loved her," followed by "I have no idea why he left."

It's bad enough to lose your love, without being astonished at the top of everything. Generally there are two explanations for this, both of which can be employed.

The first is denial, like the gentleman who told me he had lost his wife and did not know why, but when pressed said it "could" have been because he had a relationship, but "should not matter" because "he knew that meant nothing. "The answer to this is to quit fooling yourself. Nobody can pull the wool over the eyes, except you. Rationalize something you know that about the same odds of hitting a home run swing heights as evil and then blame the other person because you hit is the attitude of the victim. Get out of it and responsible for what you do.

The second is of general stupidity. If you often can not understand what's happening around you, you can be in this category, too, has a remedy.

Staying in one location to ensure you'll love again and lose again. Or worse, because you're confused, afraid to love again and choose women who are poor and unavailable and then complain that never works out. You will feel safe, that is fine, but you'll be miserable, which is not pleasant.

If you want to minimize that possibility, here are some suggestions.

Develop Your Emotional Intelligence

EQ is emotional fluidity. It 's the opposite of stupidity. It starts with awareness of your feelings, and extends to understand the feelings of others - the world of feelings.

The worst of this opportunity sounds to you, you probably need more.

Many men begin to think about what is in their hearts, making it a mental thing because you feel better, but the end result is that you'll end up confused. Women do not like being with a man who has confused about them. They want a straight and true.

In order to relate to the woman you love, and keep the relationship alive, you should know about this "confusion". Otherwise, he will die, and we can say that I do not know why, but is that what you want? Learning to know why.


The second solution is to go out with her.

"I did," you say, confused.

I mean because of its continuation. Continue to date her.

Most men are so good at dating, it must be innate. The trouble is that it is facing to the initial conquest, or make her bed, and then think they can be abandoned.

"Whew, glad it's over," you think. "Now I can go back to the ball game."

Wrong! I think there is an explanation that you are a super calendar, when the hormones are in full. If we interpret this as "feelings", and die with time, which they always do, you can not "feel" as its dating more, even though she now lives with her, or are married to her. The key is to not stop doing it.

Now define dating. What do so well when you're dating? Pay attention to her. You call, email, send cards and flowers. He hung his every word. He looks deeply into her eyes. You express your feelings verbally ("I love you." "You're beautiful."). You hang around, because you can not be away from her. Do you remember what you said and you remember his birthday. You are trustworthy and are there for her, listening to endless and effortless, as he speaks his emotions, his day, his dreams and projects, or your relationship. Does not really matter what he speaks, you listen and listen as if you care, because you do. It 's a means to an end that you want so you are highly motivated.

If it worked so well, why not continue to do so?

The case is more difficult to obtain

If you want to get not only his, but keep it, you must generate this type of behavior is not constant, but enough. Means to act and show your love, not just thinking about it, or worse, if that is no longer necessary.

Do not be one of those who say: "Of course I love you. I married you not?" unless you want to hear a sad day, "Of course I do not love you anymore. This is why I'm leaving.

How do I do this when I do not want to? In the same way you do your job. It counts for you in the long run, so do well on a day when you do not want to. E '"take care of business, and you know how.

Then apply this same logic to keep the woman you love and create the behavior you know you win what you want.

As someone said, "You do not love a woman because she is beautiful, is beautiful because you love her." The relationship between the two of you needs your attention and care too. You can make beautiful and durable as well. It's never too late to start learning how.

Good luck!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

How not to compromise with your partner

Have you ever disagreed with your spouse? Or your boyfriend or girlfriend? Of course not - she / he / it is perfect, right?

You can imagine my shock when my friend told me that he and his wife often fought over little things.

"You're kidding."

"Yes, we fight for the smallest, most insignificant things," he confirmed.

"Well, why not just let her have her way then?"

"Why we fight for big, important things," he admitted.

"What about compromise?

"We do it all the time," he said.

"So what's the problem?"

"The problem is that wins the majority of compromises."

Compromises are never easy. A reasonable compromise is when both sides feel they won. A compromise is really great when both parties know lost.

The problem is that even the most modest of us, when thrust into danger of compromise, have inflatable ego.

For example, my wife and I have recently been conducting compromise, and I do not even remember what I had done the diplomatic gaffe. But she was determined to set straight. "Do not be so premature," my wife scolded.


"Amateur, then," he said.


"No, the other word. Stop acting like one of those kids!" he shouted, looking for a dictionary.

God gave us the dictionary so you do not have to spell. They are big books with small print, and trying to find something to shorten their fuses and, in the heat of compromise, can only lead to injury Dictionary bullet. Fortunately, our house is messy enough to hide even the largest dictionary.

That's why, when compromise is imminent, occasionally I find myself wet.

The water never hurt anyone, I tell myself. Then I remember Noah. And Jack. And Jill. But so far I have avoided drowning in my own personal grief, which means that I am probably less affected by losing my brother.

Our life in an era home of a truce. Fortunately, no one is intent on world domination.

If I just learn to put the toilet seat down or wipe the counter after me, I could find a diplomatic coup. However, if I did, I would have to pay for an embassy reception, and my wife is the only restaurant in the house. It would also be its strength in a corner most uncomfortable having to put other toilet seat down and close the lights when you leave the room to avoid diplomatic faux pas.

Being a loving husband, I am determined to protect my wife from any discomfort in his house (or having to answer a diplomatic reception), so I resisted the temptation to score a diplomatic coup and I still leave the top wet.

Sometimes it's for greater good to allow a friendly exchange of sniper fire, taking cover if it seems that could get out of hand. The world is a much quieter place if we just accept that we can all get along peacefully and not in real danger of life perpetually on the brink of compromise.