Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Relationship Tests Galore! How successful? Which is for me?

Almost every match making site and relationship ezine offers relationship or personality tests of some kind.

These are all good?

What we really measure?

What is right for me?

Like most queries I went to the Web for answers, but to my surprise even my favorite article sites came up empty. There are no items of value or benefits of a myriad of tests. So I reached back to my previous life as a psychotherapist and dusted off my file mental evaluation.

First, a distinction between [personality tests or assessments are more technically known as] the common tests and report online. The former are sometimes associated with clinical assessment for diagnosis, which is helping professionals in the treatment of mental or behavioral problems. Where the most common Myers-Briggs, Enneagram and the evidence disk are used primarily for personal understanding and to improve communication between people. These assessments have widespread use and when applied well can have a significant impact on how people work together in both business and personal relationships. However, these tend to be expensive, long and hard.

Then there is the evidence today, that ratio had more answers for everything involving your family dog with your choice and your favorite companion in the desert with your social behavior, and so on. How accurate are they? I do not know, but the value of them as I see it is this.

Imagine for a moment you and your partner arrive in a foreign country. Neither the language is spoken, a loaf of bread costs 35 pesos [you have no idea how this translates into your] money and the public toilet and the wall, each wall. Getting from the airport to your hotel is important adventure and lasts 2 hours in a small open-air vehicle with three wheels. The point is that you are out of your comfort zone you can not communicate and even the simplest task becomes difficult.

We spend much of our time in the reports as being in a foreign country, groping not always communicate well and hopelessly lost at times. Relationship tests, at least the good ones, can provide that common language, the ability to communicate and long in the environment.

Let me explain with an example really funny:

We used [back in the day of the test paper and pencil] What we call awareness tools to help people understand themselves in relationship and better. Here's the story: Chris a financial adviser who heads a team pretty impressive staff was asked by his manager to have his entire team profile. That is, each was to take our instruments with the aim of raising awareness to be increased productivity due to better communication. Anyway, Chris did this reluctantly writing "this is a bunch of ...." On its 'book test.' Later, during our consultation to discuss the results with his team Jon, the salesperson very smart, he laughs: "This profile is right, you saw me bust that pencil." Yes, Chris was thoroughly hooked, just like the hot head and his whole team knew it. The good thing is that Chris knew and understood this has freed them up to face reality and use their own language newly discovered''afforded them by the tools of knowledge to communicate effectively with each other.

This was in the past now everything is done [on-line our instruments included] and the results are instant so none of us has an excuse. No, none of us has an excuse not to find that 'common language' through a report or evidence of many.

Wendy and Chris [name], other fella in the early stages of their life together had a ratio test to help them understand their hopes and dreams and core values that guided them. It 'been eye-opening experience that has become aware of their differences, but also find common elements in their dreams before unexpressed. The result: a clear direction, purpose of life and probably more valuable than ~ obstinate determination to succeed.

So the next time you get an invitation to take a test on your inbox or you find one on a website, be bold, take it and get your partner to take it and watch what happens.

Remember, life is short and relationships should be fun!

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