Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Grand Manipulator

Let's face it ... some women can be ruthless. There are some women in the world men simply do not want to be confused with. I call these women "great manipulator" because it will use every trick you can think of to get to do what they want when they want and how they want.

I once knew a woman who was the epitome of manipulation. His view was that men were a necessary evil to get things of life she wanted. Would use, abuse, and then kicked to the curb once they had fulfilled their purpose.

At the beginning of the relationship seemed to always be sweet, caring, woman feeding men chose as his prey. Once he got what he wanted from them had turned into a witch of a woman screaming in order to drive the man away from her.

For example, once decided that he needed a new car, but was not willing to pay the bill for her. Not that they could afford, because could. Had a job and earn a salary very well ... good enough that he could afford to put 40% of each paycheck of his savings in retirement. But it was unthinkable for her temporarily lower the percentage put away to pay for one car.

He found a man as his vulnerable prey. It 'was truly amazing as the man drew in his life and his bed. Has implemented its best for him. It was all sweetness, smiles, and honey. Once I had "hooked", so to speak, began to play by his sympathies often complain of her worn old car and how she simply could not afford to replace it because there is no room in my budget for expenses such .

He played the game well and knew only that the buttons to press and when with this man. Eventually, after promising to marry him, his poor guy bought a car and put it in his name. Bingo! He got what he always wanted one and ten days after it was suddenly broken with him, leaving him bewildered by what he had done wrong.

In fact, his only fault was to believe in her and falling for his maneuver. I felt sorry for the poor boy because he did not even see it coming.

There are ways a man can use to distinguish "great manipulator" from the good girls who just want to be loved and nothing more. There are signs to look for and signs from the beginning of every dating relationship that tell a man if she is the "right kind of girl.

If immediately after the meeting with a woman begins to tell sob stories about her poor, pathetic life that could be an indication that May be looking to her to rescue her somehow. And 'natural instinct of a man to jump and be the' hero '. But do not offer to help too quickly because they can become the victim of another reckless "great manipulator yourself."

Copyright 2005 Deborah Willis All Rights Reserved

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