Wednesday, June 27, 2012

How to repel the opposite sex

There is a war between the sexes. This war is based on a misunderstanding. The misconception is this:

Women think that men think like women.
Men think that women think like men.

A woman does this:

Prepare a meal of food she likes - bitter, lean, salady, light, and expects his date of such event;
Borrows a DVD romantic, with lots of tears;
* * Wears a perfume she likes;
Dresses to please his colleagues especially women;
company continues with the women, and act in solidarity with them;
Contracts secrets with other women, and thus feels entitled;
He has broad and deep feelings;
Deals with the feelings of those around her;
Abhors filth and disorder;
Rages and screams at the slightest thing, once a month;
Words mean whatever he feels at that moment;

A man does this:

Not too upset about food - likes heavy, sweet, boring grub;
Borrows an action or comic DVD, with no sob-stuff;
A quick wash under the armpits and are ready to go;
Dresses to intimidate other men;
Fortunately keep company with men, women, criminals, a dog, anything if you do not talk too much;
Trades mock punches, slaps on the back, cruel jokes, and a good laugh;
One mood all the time;
It is not too worried about the feelings of others unless he did something * really * bad;
Secretly enjoys living in his filth;
Last cried a few years ago, and did it in private;
Words mean as the dictionary defines them;

Now, how can these two distinct creatures ever together?

Simple. Everyone has to start thinking like the others, just a little '. Everyone has the search for the other fantasy world, and think again with the object of desire.

A good source of research is the magazine rack in your local supermarket. Men should look Women's' magazines, and vice versa. The men discover that women fantasize about men who are:

Muscle (as a swimmer, not a weight-lifter);
Fashionable clothes;
tight trousers;
Can discuss his feelings occasionally;
Yet there is a wet dish-cloth;

Women find that men fantasize about:


(Sorry, I could not resist this).

Men fantasize about women who are:

Good bust size;
Exotic (foreign);
top members;
A hint of underwear 'accidentally' revealed;
It could be just a little 'bad';
He laughs at his jokes;
Has a strong personality (extrovert, introvert, does not matter);

Women: Men may bed a hussy, but tend not to marry. They will not bring a cat or wild crazy neurotic parent.

For men, different physical types. Not all men prefer blondes. Beauty is a matter of proportions. You may think your nose / bottom / breasts are too big / small. Do not listen to your neuroses, or friends who are trying to subtly undermine you, or you are just to boost your confidence.

Take some pictures taken of yourself in tight clothes, put said photos in a drawer for a week, then look again.

Your immediate reaction is probably the correct one.

Understand that men are prey to a powerful compulsion. * Every woman can be attractive to a man * *. Just get in his way. Staying at home, keeping the same circle of friends, the same routine will not help. Go where there are men like you want. And look at them.

Gentlemen: You have to give the impression that you are confident, rich, powerful (and sensitive in private with her). If you do not have these qualities, their false. Women need to see the potential and the potential origin of the word is Latin potentia ', meaning power.

How will you know if a girl is interested in you? She gives you a second look. Try to smile. If you smile, you're in!

It 's a myth that women gain by men pursuing them. Women to assess men, and give great Gits 'the come on'. You just need the confidence to walk up and say hello.

If you can think of a joke, make one. If you can not, just smile. Say hello. Ask a pertinent question. Then listen to what he has to say. That if you like her, will be a game.

Finally: Do not think too much. We are attracted to a certain type, with which we can make a child better, stronger, healthier, smarter, better suited to its environment. Other just do not click with us, 'even if we can acknowledge intellectually they are attractive. It's heart, a gut thing, and shares lower. The head is limited its consent to a decision already made.

The shame is that you do not find your onely love, shame is in not making himself available for your fate, and giving all your life. Go!

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