Monday, June 11, 2012

Love without getting lost!

Are you in love and this time is different. Are you willing to do anything to make it last. To prevent this ship from sinking you work hard to steer this relationship into a safe haven. In the process you lose yourself and your romantic relationship becomes all-consuming!

Kyra fell head-over-heels for Dan and went his way to create a wonderful relationship. He found himself at hockey games, at parties with friends and family holidays. At home, things were very different. Kyra cooked meals favorite, kept the house as he wanted and listened to the music of his choice. On the advice of Dan, she cut her hair short, wore less make-up and a closet conservative. For Dan, this relationship was perfect. He has adapted his lifestyle, defended his ideas and even started talking like him. Kyra's friends witnessed her change from a lively and happy woman to a subdued and pleasing personality. This relationship had sucked the life Kyra but was the last to notice.

While compromise is necessary in a relationship, denying the heart of who you are is not. When he finally realizes that a relationship of all consumers is depleting you, there will be nothing but resentment. It will be difficult to recover themselves while remaining in that relationship. The result of this relationship is usually a harrowing crisis, but anyone is to blame.

The opposite of a report of all consumers in the middle of a relationship. In this relationship one or both withhold affection until the evidence is that the other is engaged. I love you, if you love me first has become a common trend. Fearing that will give you more love than you receive, you put your partner on probation. You judge according to your expectations and keep track of his scores. The higher the score, the more you are willing to love. This view creates tremendous emotional insecurity conditional.

All reports are long and lazy unhealthy and both types are driven by fear. In an all-consuming relationship, fear of not being loved is the driving force. In a report without enthusiasm, fear of being hurt prevents you from knocking down protective walls.To I love you with all your heart, without losing perspective requires a very different relationship. Although we know that relationships require work, basically you cling to a sweet illusion that meeting the right person is all it takes. It will then take off your magic carpet ride. Think again! Soon that magic rug will be pulled from under you.

If you long for a partner who is behind you with all your heart, ask yourself, are you the same partner? You'll get what it seeks in your relationship? Ironically, many lack the qualities to seek in their partners. Listen to your heart and when you feel good, I feel the fear and love anyway. Love without hesitation and with all your heart. Do not let your fear of rejection or getting hurt kill your desires or steal your dreams. Could be looked at in the face of love before. Maybe he "pulled out." Next time, do not be a chicken!

Love is choice and if you choose with all your heart, you are never going to lose. Love teaches you to become a better human being. Restore your faith in love and become emotionally available to others. Put your fears and your past behind you. Be sweet to be love. Learning to trust, trusting only. Here's the number one reason to get lost in a relationship: Your belief that the love is something that one deserves it or not! This false belief leads you to do almost anything to get love and even more to keep on it:

· To change your identity to gain approval from their partners.
· You withhold intimacy to protect themselves.
· You need to manipulate your partner.

If you can believe that there is nothing you have to be or do to earn love, you agree that:

· You can be loved even if they are not perfect
· You can be loved while keeping the lifetime
· You can be loved without getting lost in love

Love is the most powerful human lesson you will ever learn. This is a purposeful interdependence through which you become much more than on your own. Love is not something to find, but is in you to share. Do not turn your back on love every time you touch it, because when you give love give it to yourself.

© 2005 Allie Ochs

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